Classic G.I. JOE Volume 16 (Classic GI Joe Tp), by Larry Hama
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Classic G.I. JOE Volume 16 (Classic GI Joe Tp), by Larry Hama
Free Ebook PDF Classic G.I. JOE Volume 16 (Classic GI Joe Tp), by Larry Hama
- Originally ending at issue #155, long-time G.I. JOE scribe Larry Hama and artists Agustin Padilla and S L Gallant pick up the original Marvel series where it left off.
- With G.I. JOE disbanded, Cobra Commander begins unfolding his sinister plan, activating sleeper agents all over Washington, D.C.
- Collects issues #155 1/2–#165.
- Amazon Sales Rank: #929084 in Books
- Brand: Hama, Larry/ Padilla, Agustin (ILT)/ Gallant, S. L. (CON)
- Published on: 2015-06-23
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 10.20" h x .50" w x 6.60" l, .0 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 268 pages
About the Author Larry Hama is best known as a writer and editor for Marvel Comics, where he was responsible for the "G. I. Joe" comic book of the 1980s, and for developing many of the G.I. Joe characters for Hasbro. His other comic book writing credits include "Wolverine," "Avengers," "Elektra," "Venom" and "Batman," Larry also created the" Bucky O'Hare" comic, which was also turned into a toy line and an animated TV series. He lives and works in New York. The author lives in New York, USA.
Where to Download Classic G.I. JOE Volume 16 (Classic GI Joe Tp), by Larry Hama
Most helpful customer reviews
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Despite some reservations, I'm looking forward to Volume 17. By johneidukonisart Well I finally broke down and bought this volume of the G.I.Joe Reboot/continuation of the original Marvel series fathered by Larry Hama. I was skeptical from the begining when it was reintroduced back to the world with the Free Comic Book Day issue 155.5 back in 2010. On the one hand I felt that G.I.Joe had run it's course and should be left well enough alone. Larry had a great run with the exception of a few issues up until the cancellation at issue 155. On the other hand I felt kind of burned by the negation of everything that had happened in the Devil's due relaunch of 2001. And even though I was no big fan of that series, I did'nt want to get sucked into another Joe universe/continuity and then have the rug pulled out from under me and have the whole series tossed away as non-canonical as was done with the Devil's Due series. Well 5 years into it G.I.Joe A real American Hero (RAH) is running strong and seems to be the definitive G.I. Joe continuity.... so long as Larry Hama is at the helm that is. So with this latest reprint edition I thought now is the perfect opportunity to see what I have been missing since the relaunch. Before going into the content of this collected edition let me say that I was and still am a HUGE Joe fan. The original Marvel series was one of my favorite comics that I collected back in the day and with the latest relaunch by LH I should have been ecstatic. The reason I could not bring myself to buy into this new series was partly due to Mr. Hama's apparent leftist bent displayed in the early story arc ( Oh by the way did I mention that I am a PROUD American, Army veteran?) To begin with, there is a veiled comparison in my opinion between American terrorists and the Tea Party. See issue 155.5 and you be the judge. I was put off by that. But even worse, and more disturbing is a scene in issue 157 in which Snake Eyes with the help of Duke and Scarlet actually Slaughter American citizens. It is a bizarre scene in which armed vigilante types confront Cobra troops posing as defense contractors for letting a detained group of "migrant workers" go free. The joes start killing the vigilante types even though they are sworn to protect U.S. citizens and seemingly save the Cobras. They then tell the "migrant workers" to "vamanos" who in response say that they speak english and are American citizens. The whole scene is confusing and I found myself waiting for some explanation like the vigilantes were really Cobras or something. Larry would'nt really have the joes kill Americans would he?! It smacked of Open borders leftist liberal politics which I found to be very insulting and non-sensical, not to mention way out of character for the joes to side with Cobra and kill Americans. If anyone can explain this one to me, please do. So I wanted to throw the book down right then and there but what the heck I paid for the damn thing might as well keep reading. The next form of Larry's apparent liberalism comes in the form of a question: Can a 90lb woman lift up a fully armed weapons loaded full gear battle rattle wounded male soldier and safely carry him out of danger? In Larry's world, Scarlet can do that and fight her way through endless cobras with a wounded Snake Eyes on her back. More political correctness run amok. Not sure why Larry had to prove this point. Any way the whole Cobra as defense contractors and the Joes are fugitives on the run scenario plays out in an anti climatic way and almost seemed like a wasted opportunity for good story telling. Interesting concept that failed to be exploited to it's full potential and now come to think of it seemed a little too similar to a story that took place after the Cobra Civil War from the first series. Repetition of past stories and events seemed to occur almost with an intentional irony throughout this volume. As the first story line subsided so too did Larry's apparent leftist leanings and remarks. In fact it could be argued that there were some right-wing comments in the dialogue as well. Catch them if you can. As the issues moved on I began to feel a little more at ease. You could definately tell it was the Larry of old writing this series. There was an interesting plotline involving the Brain wave scanner which I never liked from the old series. Loose ends were wrapped up from the cancellation of the first series which to me was satisfying to finally scratch a 15 year itch so to speak. One thing I never got out of this relaunch was a sense of time. When exactly is this taking place? G.I. Joe was cancelled in 1994, appropriately enough during the Clinton administration who famously (or not so famously) slashed the military. To me it seemed to make sense then that the Joe team was deactivated since the cold war was finally over and we had no more enemies to fight according to our politicians at the time. Throughout the book I was looking for a reference or a stated date and time for when this is supposed to be happening and other than the digital cammies worn by the pentagon soldiers (introduced in 2004) and an off hand reference to the Dept. of Homeland Security, (formed in 2002) there was none. I felt it was kind of relevant to know since the last time we read and experienced the G.I. Joe series was pre September 11th/Pre War on Terror. But I guess LH wants to just kind of gloss over that whole thing, you know the biggest event in recent U.S. history and biggest terrorist attack ever. If Larry has addressed this at all in recent issues, someone please let me know where and what issue. Saying that it takes place in some anomalous "present day" is just a cop out. We are NEVER told exactly how much time has passed between the shuddering of the PIT in issue 155 and the events taking place in the new series. Overall it was great to see old characters again. Any Joe fan will enjoy this collection for the writing style, and those great characters that LH brought to life. Not sure how new readers will react but if you remember the 80's series you will recognise that sense of style and excitement that LH brought to the whole franchise. He seems to have recaptured the spark but can he take it to a new level or will he make more bone-headed mistakes like introducing the Transformers? The Artwork: I could nit-pick about some of the artwork like the poor application of photoshop in the backgrounds, the mix-ups in cobra uniforms, the funny faces of S L Gallant, but artists are artists. It's easy for me to enjoy and appreciate the artwork because I am an artist. I must say that some of the "retro" alternate covers by Herb Trimpe and Rod Whigham were better than the "real" ones. Just wish they included them side by side instead of one at the beginning of each issue and one at the end. Kind of made it seem like the cover for the next issue. I would have liked to see some more bonus type material such as introductions, commentaries, file cards, anything to justify reprinting this in the Classic format. Lastly, the new cover for this Classic collection is by an artist named Chris Madden, who in a Scott Campbell-esqe style manages to give the Joes a playful cute and cuddly Manga look to them. Save it for My little Pony.
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