Beneficiaries of my Soul: A Memoir of my Sicilian Family in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, NY (From the Benefactors to the Beneficiaries 1869-2009), by Joann Cosenza
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Beneficiaries of my Soul: A Memoir of my Sicilian Family in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, NY (From the Benefactors to the Beneficiaries 1869-2009), by Joann Cosenza
Download Ebook Beneficiaries of my Soul: A Memoir of my Sicilian Family in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, NY (From the Benefactors to the Beneficiaries 1869-2009), by Joann Cosenza
A memoir of my childhood growing up in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, NY where many Sicilian immigrants had settled. The memoir was written for the purpose of introducing my four grandchildren to the generations of family that came before them. I took them on a journey that spanned 140 years in order for them to gain a sense of the many people they had descended from. I clearly explain what their every day life was like as well as the philosophies and principles they lived by. The colorful family characters come alive as we move from decade to decade.
Beneficiaries of my Soul: A Memoir of my Sicilian Family in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, NY (From the Benefactors to the Beneficiaries 1869-2009), by Joann Cosenza- Amazon Sales Rank: #544117 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-06-24
- Released on: 2015-06-24
- Format: Kindle eBook
Where to Download Beneficiaries of my Soul: A Memoir of my Sicilian Family in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, NY (From the Benefactors to the Beneficiaries 1869-2009), by Joann Cosenza
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Successful Assemilation from Sicily to America By Joseph Canepa Back when large families got together around the holidays, there was much food and much laughter. The laughter came mainly from stories of unusual family incidents which all though funny. Joann Cosenza describes this world. Her family lives in cold water flats in Brooklyn. She tells one story about her Sicilian American mother. The lady wanted to be more American and bought a turkey for Thanksgiving. She took a huge butcher knife and, as she would with a chicken, craved the turkey into pieces. She then added olive oil, oregano and bake all the pieces. Everybody must have laughed for year later at the break from the traditional way of roasting a turkey.Cosenza's book is more than just some stories. She outlines the successful assimilation of a Sicilian family into American life. Her Beneficiaries of Her Soul are two daughters and four grandchildren. Six people who made the world better.True to legendary Sicilian subtlety and revenge, Cosenza mentions her divorced husband but neglects to mention his name.This is a well written book, a quick read, that makes a lot of sense from a keen observer of life..
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By sb15894 nice read very well written
See all 2 customer reviews... Beneficiaries of my Soul: A Memoir of my Sicilian Family in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, NY (From the Benefactors to the Beneficiaries 1869-2009), by Joann CosenzaBeneficiaries of my Soul: A Memoir of my Sicilian Family in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, NY (From the Benefactors to the Beneficiaries 1869-2009), by Joann Cosenza PDF
Beneficiaries of my Soul: A Memoir of my Sicilian Family in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, NY (From the Benefactors to the Beneficiaries 1869-2009), by Joann Cosenza iBooks
Beneficiaries of my Soul: A Memoir of my Sicilian Family in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, NY (From the Benefactors to the Beneficiaries 1869-2009), by Joann Cosenza ePub
Beneficiaries of my Soul: A Memoir of my Sicilian Family in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, NY (From the Benefactors to the Beneficiaries 1869-2009), by Joann Cosenza rtf
Beneficiaries of my Soul: A Memoir of my Sicilian Family in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, NY (From the Benefactors to the Beneficiaries 1869-2009), by Joann Cosenza AZW
Beneficiaries of my Soul: A Memoir of my Sicilian Family in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, NY (From the Benefactors to the Beneficiaries 1869-2009), by Joann Cosenza Kindle
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