Annihilation: Conquest Omnibus, by Marvel Comics
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Annihilation: Conquest Omnibus, by Marvel Comics
Best Ebook PDF Online Annihilation: Conquest Omnibus, by Marvel Comics
In the aftermath of the Annihilation War, a devastated galaxy struggles to rebuild. The Nova Corps are destroyed, leaving only Richard Rider. Who will rise to guard the galaxy from the threat of Ultron? When the Kree homeworld is invaded by the techno-organic Phalanx, Star-Lord must lead a ragtag team into battle behind enemy lines with a lineup that includes Mantis, Bug, Groot and Rocket Raccoon! Meanwhile, the new Quasar seeks a mysterious savior - and Nova and Gamora are taken over by the Phalanx! Who is the haunted loner called Wraith? Can the New Mutants' Warlock free Nova? And what are Ultron and the Phalanx really after? COLLECTING: Nova (2007) 1-12, Annual 1; Annihilation: Conquest Prologue 1; Annihilation: Conquest - Star-Lord 1-4; Annihilation: Conquest - Quasar 1-4; Annihilation: Conquest - Wraith 1-4; Annihilation: Conquest 1-6; Annihilation Saga
Annihilation: Conquest Omnibus, by Marvel Comics- Amazon Sales Rank: #235515 in Books
- Published on: 2015-06-23
- Released on: 2015-06-23
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 11.25" h x 1.75" w x 7.50" l, 5.53 pounds
- Binding: Hardcover
- 872 pages
Where to Download Annihilation: Conquest Omnibus, by Marvel Comics
Most helpful customer reviews
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. One of the Best Marvel Stories Ever Written By Mitch Nissen One of the Best Marvel Stories Ever WrittenAnnihilation Conquest is a direct sequel to the 2006 Marvel event Annihilation (also collected in Omnibus format) written by the same men, Keith Giffen, Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning. This time around it is Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning taking up the lion's share of the writing whereas they only wrote the Nova section of Annihilation. The story is masterfully crafted from beginning to end. The art is superb in each of the various portions, from the tie-in mini series collected here to the covers to the epic main event. Tom Raney, Sean Chen, Paul Pelletier, Kyle Hotz, Timothy Green II, and the rest of the artists really pull out all the stops producing some beautiful and inspiring artwork.For those of you in the know, the Marvel cosmic books from 2006 starting with Annihilation through 2010's Thanos Imperative and Annihilators was perhaps the greatest chunk of Marvel comic books ever produced. Annihilation and Annihilation Conquest and every cosmic comic book that resulted afterward are the reason Marvel Studios produced the Guardians of the Galaxy film (a testament to how wonderful these stories are). I was present at the 2010 San Diego Comic Con Marvel Panel in which authors Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning were present along with Jeff Loeb and Brian Michael Bendis. Every single person that came up to ask a question began by saying, "DnA (Dan and Andy), your cosmic Marvel books are the best thing Marvel is doing right now!"Annihilation Conquest is a worthy sequel to Annihilation. This omnibus sadly is not without its flaws. The foremost of these is the layout of the issues inside. As with the previous Annihilation Omnibus the sections are split into their respective chunks beginning with Nova #1-3, Annihilation Conquest Prologue, Nova #4-7, Star-Lord mini, Quasar mini, Wraith mini, Nova #8-10, Nova Annual #1, Nova #11-12, and Annihilation Conquest #1-6. This layout is incorrect. Annihilation Conquest #1-6 and Nova #8-12 plus Annual #1 should be alternating until the finale. The correct reading order for the last 12 issues should be Nova #8, AC #1, Nova #9, AC #2 and so on ending with Nova #12 and then AC #6. These issues were originally released in this order as the writers intended it to be read. This layout keeps Nova involved during the main event and builds proper momentum towards the end when he finally returns for the climax. At least everything is included.As a result of this improper layout of issues a major spoiler is revealed in a Nova issue that shouldn't be known until beginning the main event, that of Ultron being in control of the Phalanx. Clearly Marvel disregarded keeping that a surprise altogether by their choice for the cover. It's a magnificent cover to be sure. I know Marvel was trying to boost sales of this omnibus by promoting Ultron in congruence with this summer's film Avengers: Age of Ultron. When Annihilation Conquest came out originally Ultron's reveal at the end of AC #1 was a huge surprise that no one saw coming! A very exciting moment that ramped up the tension and excitement of the story. Here that secret and reveal are given away before you even read the book undercutting much of the WOW factor of the story.The only other drawback to this collection is the partial inclusion of promotional materials. Marvel promoted this event by advertising the new character designs for Quasar, Adam Warlock, and Wraith. These are nowhere to be found in the book. They have included a one-sheet of Wraith which looks like a lead in to the others but none of them are there. These images can easily be found online and there is no reason why they shouldn't be included here. There are also several character profiles missing from the handbook. The omnibus is shorter than many others Marvel has produced so again there is no excuse for these missing materials.Other than those I have no complaints. The writing and artwork are some of the finest examples of Marvel's catalog. My criticisms are solely based on the collection herein, not the story or creative talents. This story is the first grouping of the modern Guardians of the Galaxy and hands down the best Ultron story Marvel has produced. You'd be doing yourself a favor by getting this. Hopefully next year we will receive the War of Kings total epic collected in Omnibus format (in proper reading order this time). I imagine it would take two omnibi to collect that story in its entirety. Let's hope they treat the material with the detail and respect it deserves.
4 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Another Epic Dose of Marvel Cosmic By Dan Pace (feral atom) This omnibus contains the 2007-2008 Marvel Cosmic crossover event to 2006's Annihilation event, collects Nova 1-12, Annual 1, Annihilation: Conquest (A:C) Prologue, A:C Starlord 1-4, A:C Quasar 1-4, A:C Wraith 1-4, A:C 1-6, and Annihilation Saga.Extras include Handbook entries for all the characters in the event: Captain Universe, Deathcry, Groot, Halfworld, Mantis, Phalanx, Rocket Raccoon, Star-lord. Portfolio review from Timothy Green II (with Tom Raney, Nathan Fairbairn), sketches by Sean Chen, cover layouts by Adi Granov, Nova #2 cover pencils (Granov), Nova #11 & 12, cover inks by Alex Maleev, character sketches by Mahmud A. Asrar, comparison of Nic Klein's Nova Annual cover and the homage to original series Nova #1 cover (Rich Buckler and Joe Sinnott), house ad for Wraith by Clint Langely, and a great Afterword by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning.Written by Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Keith Giffen, Javier Grillo-Marxuach. Art by Sean Chen, Mike Perkins, Brian Denham, Timothy Green II, Mike Lilly, Kyle Hotz, Wellington Alves, Mahmud A. Asrar, Klebs Jr, Paul Pelletier, and Tom Raney.While not quite as good, script-wise or even plot-wise, still Annihilation:Conquest is a fun cosmic adventure and showcases Nova and the Guardians of the Galaxy as valid patrons of Marvel Cosmic. The production quality by Marvel is excellent and is printed by RR Donnelly Asia Solutions, which seems to produce the most superior printed works. The painted cover is gorgeous and a great selection of Ultron on his throne.This omni and last year's Annihilation make me long for a return of epic Marvel Cosmic, the only worthy successor being the Guardians 3000 title that just ran its course (not coincidentally also scripted by Dan Abnett.)Wraith had a lot of promise as a new cosmic addition to the Marvel pantheon, but, unfortunately, his mini-series and inclusion in the overall event didn't fulfill this promise.In my opinion, the best cosmic artist is Paul Pelletier. Unfortunately, we only see two issues worth of his work. I would love to see him do another cosmic book for either Marvel, DC or Valiant (can you imagine him on Imperium?) I think he would be the perfect artist for the long-ago rumored Tony Bedard-scripted Silver Surfer story.If you were lucky enough to purchase Annihilation omnibus, you will likely enjoy this omnibus. Highly recommended.Update (7/16): As pointed out in the comment section, this collection has some fantastic artwork throughout.Phalanx first appeared in Uncanny X-men 305 and full form in 312 (1994), for those interested.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Phalanx Conquest By Jacob Alvarado The universe is just finding stability after the Negative Zone invasion as Nova returns to Earth to get some R&R but the Earth he has returned to is a Post Civil War one where superheroes all hate one another and Nova runs into the Thunderbolts. Phyla-Vell has kept the Quantum Bands from the end of Annihilation and become the new Quasar as she works with Moondragon. Peter Quill is helping set up a new Kree War-Net to stop anymore Annihilation events but that turns out to be the beginning of the end as the Phalanx machine race is able to infiltrate the Kree War-Net. Kree space is then blocked off from the rest of space.As with Annihilation we get the character stories that lead to them joining up in the big group event. Nova, just as with the last event is the best of the bunch but the 3rd set of his stories were not well placed in the Omnibus as they do give away parts of the story that hadn't happened yet. Nova must fight off the Phalanx as they attempt to control him using Gamora and Drax to bring him in to the fold. We follow Peter Quill as he becomes Star-Lord again and his Guardians of the Galaxy team is assembled as they try to take back Hala. Quasar is being spoken to by a mysterious voice leading her to the person needed to end this conflict but her Quantum Bands are failing and the Super Adaptoid is on her and Moondragon's trail. This mysterious being they are lead to is Adam Warlock. Next is Wraith, who wields a mysterious weapon that can disable the Phalanx. The Kree, used as puppets by the Phalanx capture him, Super Skrull and Prax who must break out of containment. We continue with Nova as he visits Knowhere before heading to the Phalanx homeworld looking for a way to beat them, this is the part where it is revealed in passing that Ultron is controlling the Phalanx despite the fact he has appeared yet.Now the main story is all these characters coming together to bring down the Ultron lead Phalanx Empire. The High Evolutionary comes into play since Adam Warlock plays such a major part.The book contains in-depth characters profiles on many of the events characters, cover galleries of Adi Granov's awesome work. The art is different for all the series included; I thought Nova, Star-Lord and the main event had the best stuff.
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