Fall Line (Downhill Series) (Volume 1), by Tudor Robins
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Fall Line (Downhill Series) (Volume 1), by Tudor Robins
PDF Ebook Download : Fall Line (Downhill Series) (Volume 1), by Tudor Robins
Everything’s forward. Those are fifteen-year-old Chris Myers’ words for the year. The next gate, the next race, his spot on the district ski team; they’re all his for the taking. Except training is such hard work. And then there’s Jenna – the very opposite of hard work – gorgeous, curvy, and into partying. Into Chris. Instead of moving forward, Chris is sliding back. Slower times, worse results, and his best friend, Tilly, drifting away. “The thing you want is right in front of you,” Tilly said. Now Chris just has to figure out what that thing is – and how to get it – before it’s too late. Fast-paced, fun, and intense, Fall Line is a refreshing read from start gate to finish line.
Fall Line (Downhill Series) (Volume 1), by Tudor Robins- Amazon Sales Rank: #3546045 in Books
- Published on: 2015-06-12
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 8.50" h x .51" w x 5.50" l, .59 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 204 pages
About the Author Tudor Robins is the author of books that move – she wants to move your heart, mind, and pulse with her writing. Tudor lives in Ottawa, Ontario, and when she’s not writing she loves horseback riding, downhill skiing, and running.
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Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A Swift YA Skiing Read By Mara E Tudor Robins is mostly known for her horse books–the Island Series in particular–which are immensely good and deserve all the praise. Like many horse book people, I wasn’t sure if I’d enjoy a book about skiing, because I have not been known to enjoy “slippery sports,” as I call them. Although then I reminded myself that I have been in love with The Cutting Edge since forever, so I downloaded Fall Line and took a crack at it.Chris and Tilly have known each other forever. They’re best friends, and of everything they have in common, skiing is the be all and end all. But Tilly is motivated and a hard worker, always showing up at training and giving way more than 100% of herself to the sport, whereas Chris tends to rest on his raw talent. They’re also stumbling face first into hormones. Chris is starting to notice that Tilly is also a girl–a girl he might have more than friendly feelings for. And because he’s a fifteen-year-old wreck of a boy, he had no idea how to handle this.Because what if they do get together? And then what if they break up? The very thought of this puts Chris into a tailspin, so when Tilly’s word of the year is “forward,” Chris is literally falling behind. Chris will do anything to keep being Tilly’s friend, even if it means ruining his training, ruining his skiing, and driving Tilly so far away that being friends? Yeah, not so much.Sometimes you want to slap sense into Chris. You want to grab him by his stupid shoulders and shake until he gets it. It’s a testament to Tudor’s writing that you stick with him and want him to figure it out. Budding teen relationships are hard, and I loved how Tudor tackled the subject of friends trying to take those first steps when they both know what they could lose if they keep going forward, only to discover that they can lose the exact same thing if they never take those steps at all.So hey, I’m not a skiing person. I’m not even much of a male protagonist person. But I’m on board for the second in the Downhill Series. I can’t wait to see where these characters go next.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Awesome!! By MaureenB In ‘Fall Line’ we meet best friends Chris and Tilly. Both are fifteen years old and crazy about ski racing. They have been best friends forever and always train together. But this year everything feels different for Chris. Everything seems to be changing: school, skiing and even the way he sees Tilly. Now all Chris wants is for things to stay the same.Instead of expressing how he feels, Chris seems to lose control of who he really is and soon he seems to be losing everything he worked so hard for. Not everything can be easily forgotten and Chris really has to work hard to make up with the things he’s done.This book is definitely different from the other books I read recently. I honestly think this book is perfect for younger readers, like readers in their teens. Don’t get me wrong.. I really liked this book and read it in just one sitting. But the story would have grabbed me even more if I myself was in my teens.From the moment I started reading this book I just didn’t want to stop. Tudor Robins was ones again able to completely pull me in with her writing. Although I didn’t get the things Chris did, I really was rooting for him to get himself back together and to find his way. And I did get why he sort of lost himself for a moment.‘Fall Line’ really is a story of growing up and finding your way in life. In combination with the close friendship of Chris and Tilly it was really a fun and touching story.Since this book isn’t very long, it’s the perfect book to read when you don’t have a lot of time.The two main characters were really fun to read about. And it definitely made me think of how everything in your teens feels like the end of the world.‘Fall Line’ is the a fun and touching teen story and I really recommend it.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great Skiing Book! By Donna I really enjoyed Tudor Robins’ books about horses so when she contacted me about reviewing her latest book about skiing, I just had to say yes! Even though I don’t ski I really enjoyed reading about skiing and Chris and Tilly’s lives. So much training! Sigh, I wish I could ride/skate as much as they ski. Chris and Tilly have an incredible friendship in the book, and the skiing elements seem very authentic. However, the main disappointment of the novel was Jenna, who distracts Chris from his training, causing him to fall back.The skiing season is approaching for Chris Myers and his best friend Tilly. They’re both competition skiers and Chris has a chance to make the district ski team. All is going well until Jenna comes along. Jenna is a major distraction to Chris and he begins to fall behind his teammates. He makes a lot of bad decisions and begins to lose Tilly in the process.Chris and Tilly were incredible! Their passion for skiing was incredible as well as their relationship with each other. There’s a lot of good banter and friendly stuff between them. It felt totally authentic and was great fun to read about.Tilly was a very lovely character but knew when to get upset as well, which I liked. Far too many authors try to create the perfect good girl character, only to have the character themselves to turn out meek and uninteresting. It was great to see that Tilly knew how to stand up for herself.Unlike Tilly, Chris was a little more frustrating. His constant bad decisions in the middle of the novel got a little annoying. I have to admit that I really hoping that Chris would get a grip, especially after others had already had a good talk to him about it. He definitely went on a bit of a downward spiral where he acted out of spite and ignored those around him. While his bad decisions seemed a little excessive at times, I think this is relatively realistic for a 15 year old. What 15 year old hasn’t ignored their parents/coach and done something bad?My biggest problem with this book was Jenna. I couldn’t stand her. She was so fake and clingy. I totally understand that she’s the antagonist, and I’m not really supposed to like her, but I felt that she was rather one dimensional. She was the typical trashy girl with revealing clothes, annoying friends, and way into partying. Meh. Very uninteresting, really. She seemed completely evil and bitchy. There was never really a reprieve from this, even at the end of the novel. She seemed like an empty shell placed in the book only to act as a distraction for Chris.I really wish that Jenna was fleshed out a little more. She doesn’t really have to change and become like Tilly or anything, but I would have liked to learn a little bit more about her and her intentions. I have trouble believing that she is a truly malicious person for no reason. Jenna had a lot of potential as a character, because even though she’s a party girl (the most evil character of all in YA books!) it doesn’t make her a horrible or boring person.I liked the skiing plot as well, and reading about their training and competitions was great fun. There is some light skiing jargon used in this book, but it is not difficult to understand. The coaches and the program itself seemed realistic and I especially liked the way the coaches dealt with Chris and his training.The content in this book is probably suitable for readers 14 years and over. There’s nothing too explicit, but there’s some swearing and some other themes that would be unsuitable for very young readers. The themes in the book are definitely suitable for the young adult genre and I believe that they are commonly dealt with by teenagers in real life.All in all, I did really enjoy Fall Line. Tilly and Chris’ relationship is the cutest thing ever and the pressures that Chris faces are realistic and well written. You definitely don’t need to be a skier to read this, because the book is very light on jargon. I’d recommend it to people who enjoy reading about sport.
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