Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

The Mystery Religions of Gladovia: A Novel, by Bradley Winterton

The Mystery Religions of Gladovia: A Novel, by Bradley Winterton

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The Mystery Religions of Gladovia: A Novel, by Bradley Winterton

The Mystery Religions of Gladovia: A Novel, by Bradley Winterton

The Mystery Religions of Gladovia: A Novel, by Bradley Winterton

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Out in the street, walking along under the palms, I felt immensely proud to be with Nik. Some weeks ago I’d put an ad in a contact magazine reading “English aesthete seeks local bruiser to teach him a lesson,” but the only reply I got was from someone wanting to teach me Spanish. I couldn’t, anyway, have expected to contact anyone remotely of Nik’s quality. But I still couldn’t figure out why I’d spent the entire session this evening uninvolved. It wasn’t what I’d planned, and yet somehow I’d turned into the organizer, arranging things for other people but never for myself. I put this to Nik. “Oh, I wouldn’t worry if I were you,” he replied. “Someone had to arrange everything, and if you’d been a Master or a slave that might have been difficult. You’d have chosen all the best slots for yourself.” “Like being caned by you,” I said. “Really?” Nik said, turning to me. “Is that what you want? I’d love to punish you, darling, and it would be even nicer if there were only the two of us there. After not taking part this evening, your buttocks must be almost virginal. I’d love to make a start on changing that for you. “But maybe we need a reason for your punishment. Let me see. How about that you’re unable to love? All your perambulations – don’t think I don’t understand them. So I’ll cane you until you confess your true nature.” I gave an involuntary start. “But I do love!” I exclaimed. “I mean, at school …” “Oh, at school,” retorted Nik. “How long ago was that? No, I think that nowadays you’re a promiscuous gay and nothing else. But don’t worry, I’ll cane the truth out of you. Do you want to make a date for it now?”

The Mystery Religions of Gladovia: A Novel, by Bradley Winterton

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1062005 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-10-29
  • Released on: 2015-10-29
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Mystery Religions of Gladovia: A Novel, by Bradley Winterton

The Mystery Religions of Gladovia: A Novel, by Bradley Winterton

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Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A Storytelling Masterclass By John Ross I have been reading and enjoying Bradley Winterton’s excellent book reviews in the Taipei Times for about fifteen years. His reviews are so erudite, so beautifully written that sometimes the gulf between the quality of his own writing and that of the books he reviews is embarrassing.I was delighted when I saw Bradley had written a novel, and one set in a fictional South American country – just like my favourite novel, Conrad’s Nostromo. So far so good. What’s this? A gay novel, and a sadomasochism one at that. Okay, maybe not Nostromo, (though it does feature an Italian man of action). As a rather prudish straight guy, it was with some trepidation that I started reading The Mystery Religions of Gladovia, worried that Bradley was about to reveal himself to be a modern-day incarnation of Edmund Backhouse.I needn’t have worried. Yes, there’s a lot of sex. A lot. But it’s not overly graphic, and the SM punishment only appears in the second half of the novel. The sex I was expecting but there are also numerous thought-provoking meditations on art, religion, homosexuality and life itself.The novel’s main characters are two Englishmen – a disgraced high school headmaster, Lily, and one of his former students, Matthew – whose paths cross years later in Gladovia. I won’t give too much of the plot away but will just say that the ending brought a tear to my eye.The novel is superbly constructed, with great characters and plotting, and the rich prose has a lean elegance that makes it both satisfying and extremely readable.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A gay novel with a difference By Mark Wallace They always say don't judge a book by its cover. But in this case the gorgeous image, along with the intriguing title, were irresistible - and I  liked the bargain price! I thought I had little to lose and it turned out that in fact I had a lot to gain. This book is different both to the pulp romances and the more sophisticated urban gay novels one so often encounters. Most of the action takes place in a fictional country called Gladovia,  which is not only the ideal location for a lot of sex,  including SM,  among characters from around the world,  but also an evocative setting for exploring deeper 'mysteries' such as the purpose of beauty and how one should live a worthwhile life.  (Each of us has just thirty thousand days of existence on average,  one of the main characters,  the delightfully  named Lily,  a former headmaster who had to flee from his home country of England,  tells us.) I  won't say that Mr Winterton unlocks all the secrets of existence but his characters ruminate on questions that nag gays,  and probably everyone else as well,  in an entertaining and well-written story. I  have read it twice,  with enjoyment and profit both times.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A Light Tripping of The Gay Fantastic By David Clive Price I must say I was intrigued by this novel. It starts off in England with Matt, who falls in unrequited love with another boy at school. We are also introduced to 'Lily', the severe disciplinarian headmaster of a public school, who is later caught in a police entrapment sting in a public toilet that causes him to flee anonymously on a container ship to a new country. Along the way we see Matt's gay life in Amsterdam after school, and Lily's secretive gay escapades in Spain and Germany, where the subject of sadomasochism first appears. This is further explored in the fantasy country of Gladovia (somewhere in South America), where sadomasochistic practices and circles intertwine with what seem to be almost Dionysian rellgious rites, and where the paths of Lily and Matt finally meet. On the way, we are given lashings (ouch!) of sadomaschistic gay orgies, tons of guilt and self-exploration, many ruminations on gay history, Greek and Roman poets, and some beautiful landscapes (the author has a fine eye for the countryside). This is all very entertaining - there is even a happy ending on a high peak in the Lake District between Matt and someone from his past.My only slight misgiving is that the first moments of sadmoasochistic pain and pleasure are skipped over, ie we are not shown what the feelings actually are that compel Matt or Lily to continue further on their voyage of self-discovery. There is plenty of action - but not enough pain, psychology, or of course pleasure. I kept on thinking of a writer like Shusaku Endo, who explored sadomaschism in such piquant detail in Scandal. However, this is perhaps to be carping about a book that is such a tongue-in-cheek yarn. For a light tripping of the gay fantastic, this novel is definitely for you.

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The Mystery Religions of Gladovia: A Novel, by Bradley Winterton

The Mystery Religions of Gladovia: A Novel, by Bradley Winterton

The Mystery Religions of Gladovia: A Novel, by Bradley Winterton
The Mystery Religions of Gladovia: A Novel, by Bradley Winterton

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