Almost Everything (Nickayla Quinn Trilogy) (Volume 2), by Jasmine Carolina
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Almost Everything (Nickayla Quinn Trilogy) (Volume 2), by Jasmine Carolina
PDF Ebook Almost Everything (Nickayla Quinn Trilogy) (Volume 2), by Jasmine Carolina
Nickayla Quinn has fought her demons and won… A year after she faced her issues head-on, Nic’s life couldn’t be better. She can’t remember a time when she was this happy. Settling in with her boyfriend, college acceptance letters, and her graduation from high school on the horizon, everything should be perfect. And it almost is. Colin Westwick’s demons are back to haunt him… After receiving startling news, everything the young couple thought they knew about love, family, hope, and trust has come to a staggering halt before falling apart piece by piece. With the loss of one of Colin’s loved ones comes the reappearance of one from his past, leaving Nickayla to fight twice as hard for the both of them. He kept his promise to save her, but can she keep the one she made to save him back?
Almost Everything (Nickayla Quinn Trilogy) (Volume 2), by Jasmine Carolina- Amazon Sales Rank: #9101440 in Books
- Published on: 2015-06-20
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 8.00" h x .95" w x 5.25" l, .95 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 378 pages
Where to Download Almost Everything (Nickayla Quinn Trilogy) (Volume 2), by Jasmine Carolina
Most helpful customer reviews
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A must read!!! By MariaaM I absolutely loved this!This pulled at my heart strings; made me so emotional I just had to stop myself from finishing it so quickly. Nickayla takes not s*** from anyone, and it's refreshing to see that even after everything that has happened, she could still be strong despite it all. This was a page turner, beautifully written, and probably the best by far!This will make you cry, laugh, smile! I definitely recommend this book! :))) I'm so happy I had the chance to read this!
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