Making money from your home kitchen: Everything you need to know to start
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Making money from your home kitchen: Everything you need to know to start
Best Ebook Making money from your home kitchen: Everything you need to know to start
I have been self employed for the past 16 years and have helped hundreds of people in that time go on to start their own businesses working from home and enjoying the flexibility this gives family life. It is possible to make a significant income working from home, even part-time, with methods I have personally used and don’t worry you don’t have to be a salesperson to do this. This book aims to give you everything you need to know to make your dream a reality whether you plan to bake, preserve, cure, bottle, give workshops or host private dinner parties, this book will help you go from zero to launch in less than five weeks. Each chapter concludes with a helpful Action Plan to help you focus on the essential tasks you need to do to get started. Plus throughout the book there are lots of helpful links to save you time. So what are you waiting for?
Making money from your home kitchen: Everything you need to know to start- Amazon Sales Rank: #1854475 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-06-03
- Released on: 2015-06-03
- Format: Kindle eBook
Where to Download Making money from your home kitchen: Everything you need to know to start
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Excellent Starting Point in the Home Entrepreneur's Quest for Launching their Dream Business, but.... By Bill Anderson Length: 96 pages.Warning to people unfamiliar with British terms and vernacular. This book is written by a Brit using terminology that does not easily transfer into American-style English. Further, many of the rules and regulations within the United States and Canada differ significantly from the United Kingdom and, even, within each state. So, please remember to research your own local laws and regulations.Further, this book should be regarded more as a question or outline, than as an answer book. What it does best is raising the issues that the prospective entrepreneur needs to research and decide upon, as they prepare for launching their dream project. As such, this is an exceptional book, far exceeding most other Kindle books I've read. Indeed, had this book been dovetailed for American entrepreneurs, I would be stunned to learn that someone starting a home kitchen business was such a thorough thinker as this writer.If I were to meet with this author, I would suggest that she include a dozen or so case studies interspersed throughout the book, or one for each chapter that concentrates primarily on displaying the chapter's topic, plus three or four that incorporate all, or most, of the topics within the book so readers are able to get a hands on feel for the overall plan. Indeed, one or two of these could be of now-defunct businesses in which the owner explains what went wrong or why they suspect they had to close shop.Another topic that should be included is bench-marking. Inclusion of this, including budgets for costs and revenue guidelines will go a long way towards clearing up questions and confusion.Yes, I know failure is difficult for most entrepreneurs to discuss. Believe me, I know from personal experience just how hard it is. But, such lessons learned can serve a noble purpose for us all. And, that is, they can help others succeed.Returning to my review, though, I found this writer to be exceptionally interesting to read. Although I did read this through Kindle Unlimited, I am certain to buy my own copy come payday. It is that thorough and should be in the library of every small business feature writer and blogger, as well as on the desk or bookshelf of anybody considering starting a food business.
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