Lonely Wolf: A Paranormal Romance, by MaKayla Pelsia
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Lonely Wolf: A Paranormal Romance, by MaKayla Pelsia
Best Ebook Online Lonely Wolf: A Paranormal Romance, by MaKayla Pelsia
Recovering from medical issues, Skylar is bound and determined to move on with her life. Being lonely is not an option. Little does she know that fate has big plans for her as her love for paranormal romance becomes more than just a fantasy. Louisiana was always known for its lures about werewolves. Will the injured wolf Sky helps, put an end to her loneliness? Will Sky be able to beat the dark forces pressing down on her, or will they overcome her? Aidan's felt alone for over one hundred years. He was 19 when he was turned and abandoned by a rogue wolf. Since then he's made a life for himself. He's created a safe haven for others who were abandoned by their alphas, giving them a place to call home. But he's always felt like a piece of him was missing, . Will Sky be the missing link, or is he destined to be alone?
Lonely Wolf: A Paranormal Romance, by MaKayla Pelsia- Amazon Sales Rank: #263690 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-06-22
- Released on: 2015-06-22
- Format: Kindle eBook
Where to Download Lonely Wolf: A Paranormal Romance, by MaKayla Pelsia
Most helpful customer reviews
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. A must read, and 5 howl's from me! By Phoenix48 I can't stand it! I want to know more! LOL great story and of course there is a cliff hanger and I can't deal with it. Such a great cliffhanger I need to know when the final book is coming out please.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Not too bad By kathy harrington this wasn't a bad story, I just wish some of what was being told was from the characters and not just written in. I like the omega aspect and am interested to see where it goes. Yes it has a cliff hanger and I will read the next to see what happens.
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