Vegan Raw Food Cookbook Part 2: More Mouth-Watering and Nutritious Recipes for Body & Mind Wellness (Plant Based, Plant Based Recipes, Alkaline, Raw Vegan), by Marta Tuchowska
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Vegan Raw Food Cookbook Part 2: More Mouth-Watering and Nutritious Recipes for Body & Mind Wellness (Plant Based, Plant Based Recipes, Alkaline, Raw Vegan), by Marta Tuchowska
Best Ebook PDF Online Vegan Raw Food Cookbook Part 2: More Mouth-Watering and Nutritious Recipes for Body & Mind Wellness (Plant Based, Plant Based Recipes, Alkaline, Raw Vegan), by Marta Tuchowska
The Vegan Raw Food Diet Recipes for Busy People- The Easiest Way to Create Vibrant Health to Look and Feel Amazing!
***NEW UPDATED EDITION- 100% VEGAN FRIENDLY*** Do you like eating and hate calorie counting? What if I told you that you can lose weight, increase your energy levels and improve your overall health without having to give everything up? You are just about to discover some really simple and effective natural solutions for wellness and natural weight loss including mouth-watering recipes that you can make even if you are on a busy schedule. If you want more energy and vibrant health, you have come to the right place. Forget about the latest fad diets and simply focus on enriching your existing diet with real foods. Your body and mind will be utterly grateful! I am very excited to show you how to do just that- create amazing, mouth-watering dishes that are relatively quick and easy to prepare. I also want to stimulate your imagination and creativity so that you can start inventing your own recipes. Vegan raw food lifestyle is very flexible and open-minded. It means that it doesn’t matter if you are vegan, vegetarian, paleo, alkaline, gluten-free, or you don’t follow anything at all. You can always add more raw foods into your diet! Read on with an open mind and make sure you practice what you have learned. The recipes from this book are really easy and quick to make. You do not need to spend hundreds of dollars, euros, pounds (or whatever currency you use in your country) on expensive superfood fads. The solution is just in front of you!The Body and Mind Benefits of the Raw Food Diet Lifestyle:
• Excessive cooking kills the nutrients as well as many enzymes (these are responsible for proper digestion), and so if there are no raw foods in your diet, you are more likely to experience low energy levels and fatigue as well as sluggish digestion ( after a cooked meal you usually feel sleepy, right?). • Raw fruits and vegetables are an excellent sources of natural dietary fiber, hence the natural weight loss benefit. • Raw foods will nourish your body with tons of vitamins and minerals that are crucial for beautiful skin and hair • You will improve your digestion • You will stimulate natural healing • You will stimulate your immune system OK, I know what you’re thinking: “Right, sounds great. But how do I get used to eating raw foods? How do I make them tasty? How do I create new habits? How do I stick to it? What do I do to avoid sugar cravings? How can I eliminate processed foods? It’s HARD!” Wait! Don’t go! You see, it can be super easy.I am just about to show you exactly how to create:
• Amazing vegan raw smoothies (dairy-free, gluten free). I will even teach you how to make coconut milk and almond milk so that you can save money and keep your diet as natural as possible • Exciting raw salads, soups and creams • Vegan raw treats and desserts • Interesting salad dressings and salsas • More flavor by adding more spices and herbs You will also discover how to combine raw foods with cooked foods. It’s up to you if you want to go raw full-time or part-time. The vegan-raw lifestyle is very flexible. So..get ready for… ***OVER 30 DELICIOUS VEGAN RAW RECIPES FOR OPTIMAL HEALTH! *** I will also teach you how to re-balance your pH and the basics of the alkaline diet that goes hand in hand with the vegan raw food diet. Ready to take your health to the next level? Grab your copy today and start creating a sexy body and a focused mind in a natural and enjoyable way! It’s easy, it’s tasty, it’s fun and it will help you achieve massive health success Vegan Raw Food Cookbook Part 2: More Mouth-Watering and Nutritious Recipes for Body & Mind Wellness (Plant Based, Plant Based Recipes, Alkaline, Raw Vegan), by Marta Tuchowska- Amazon Sales Rank: #697719 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-06-28
- Released on: 2015-06-28
- Format: Kindle eBook
Where to Download Vegan Raw Food Cookbook Part 2: More Mouth-Watering and Nutritious Recipes for Body & Mind Wellness (Plant Based, Plant Based Recipes, Alkaline, Raw Vegan), by Marta Tuchowska
Most helpful customer reviews
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Ok but nothing overly exciting... By Sci-Fi Shorts Reader This was okay for diet book. However it did seem to be missing two things. One was that she includes a number of really esoteric ingredients like roibos tea and maka powder without any hints as to where one would find such things. She also never address the safety angle. Cooking doesn't just change the flavor and texture of food, it kills bacteria and improves food safety. I would have expected some mention of safety issues in a raw food cookbook.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A Great Cook Book ! By Nira This is such a great cook book ! Even people that aren't into vegan can enjoy the wonderful recopies. They are very healthy, fast cook time, the ingredients are easy to get a hold on, and they are delicious (at least the ones I tried are...). Highly recommended !
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. I glad I read this book By sunflower well done! I glad I read this book! Have been feel so healthy from all those dinning out. This book makes cooking easier again for me. Im start to do my own cookings again, in a healthy way! and a easy way!:) Raw food so good!
See all 8 customer reviews... Vegan Raw Food Cookbook Part 2: More Mouth-Watering and Nutritious Recipes for Body & Mind Wellness (Plant Based, Plant Based Recipes, Alkaline, Raw Vegan), by Marta TuchowskaVegan Raw Food Cookbook Part 2: More Mouth-Watering and Nutritious Recipes for Body & Mind Wellness (Plant Based, Plant Based Recipes, Alkaline, Raw Vegan), by Marta Tuchowska PDF
Vegan Raw Food Cookbook Part 2: More Mouth-Watering and Nutritious Recipes for Body & Mind Wellness (Plant Based, Plant Based Recipes, Alkaline, Raw Vegan), by Marta Tuchowska iBooks
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Vegan Raw Food Cookbook Part 2: More Mouth-Watering and Nutritious Recipes for Body & Mind Wellness (Plant Based, Plant Based Recipes, Alkaline, Raw Vegan), by Marta Tuchowska AZW
Vegan Raw Food Cookbook Part 2: More Mouth-Watering and Nutritious Recipes for Body & Mind Wellness (Plant Based, Plant Based Recipes, Alkaline, Raw Vegan), by Marta Tuchowska Kindle
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