Jumat, 16 April 2010

The Evil We Love (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy Book 5),

The Evil We Love (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy Book 5), by Cassandra Clare, Robin Wasserman

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The Evil We Love (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy Book 5), by Cassandra Clare, Robin Wasserman

The Evil We Love (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy Book 5), by Cassandra Clare, Robin Wasserman

The Evil We Love (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy Book 5), by Cassandra Clare, Robin Wasserman

Best PDF Ebook The Evil We Love (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy Book 5), by Cassandra Clare, Robin Wasserman

All evil starts somewhere, and Simon Lewis learns how The Circle—led by Valentine Morgenstern—began. One of ten adventures in Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy.The Shadowhunter Academy has only just reopened following the disastrous rise of the Circle. Now the faculty can finally admit to what happened when Valentine was a student. This standalone e-only short story follows the adventures of Simon Lewis, star of the #1 New York Times bestselling series, The Mortal Instruments, as he trains to become a Shadowhunter. Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy features characters from Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments, Infernal Devices, and the upcoming Dark Artifices and Last Hours series. The Evil We Love is written by Cassandra Clare and Robin Wasserman. Read more of Cassandra Clare’s Shadowhunter Chronicles in The Infernal Devices, The Mortal Instruments, and The Bane Chronicles.

The Evil We Love (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy Book 5), by Cassandra Clare, Robin Wasserman

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #9824 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-16
  • Released on: 2015-06-16
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Evil We Love (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy Book 5), by Cassandra Clare, Robin Wasserman

About the Author

Cassandra Clare

Cassandra Clare is the author of the #1 New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling Lady Midnight, as well as the internationally bestselling Mortal Instruments series and Infernal Devices trilogy. She is the coauthor of The Bane Chronicles with Sarah Rees Brennan and Maureen Johnson and Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy with Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson, and Robin Wasserman, as well as The Shadowhunter’s Codex, which she cowrote with her husband, Joshua Lewis. Her books have more than 36 million copies in print worldwide and have been translated into more than thirty-five languages, a feature film, and a TV show, Shadowhunters, currently airing on Freeform. Cassandra lives in western Massachusetts. Visit her at CassandraClare.com. Learn more about the world of the Shadowhunters at Shadowhunters.com.

Robin Wasserman

Robin Wasserman is the author of Girls on Fire, as well as several bestselling novels for children and young adults. She lives in Brooklyn, New York. Visit her at RobinWasserman.com or follow her on Twitter at @RobinWasserman.

The Evil We Love (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy Book 5), by Cassandra Clare, Robin Wasserman

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Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Another Shadowhunter Snippet! By Believer "The Evil We Love" the fifth book in the captivating Shadowhunter Academy saga begins when Robert Lightwood and his daughter Isabelle visit the school. Threads of the story not only follow Robert's lecture on the emergence of the Circle in 1984 under Valentine Morgenstern's leadership,but also Simon and Isabelle's interaction after she returned his letter unopened.In this novella Robert Lightwood readily opens up about the formation of the Circle, Valentine's antagonism towards Shadowhunter law and the Downworlders suspected of killing his father. In a lecture that exposes his weakness and fear as a student under the shadow of the charismatic but radical Valentine Robert warns the academy students not only about feeling superior as Shadowhunters but also about using their own judgement and not letting others make choices for them. Although smart, strong and talented as a Shadowhunter Robert readily admits his flaws especially when he doesn't stand up for his principals and blindly accepts Valentine's evil intentions. Even his friendship is tested with his parabatai Michael Wayland when the revolutionary leader makes a cryptic remark exposing a secret that cripples their relationship.In a plot that flows quickly and smoothly as her father teaches the lessons he learned from his association with Valentine Isabelle tests Simon's trust and integrity. In her flirtation and breaking the rules with his friends, she soon learns that Simon will not tempted and that although his memories are often still a blank his feelings for her have grown stronger.Like all the books in the series the reader only gets a snapshot in Simon's life at the Academy and his relationship with the friends he's only begun to remember. This snippet is well-written but all too short.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. OMG Sizzy... By Jordan Bates The Evil We Love by Cassandra ClarePurchased: Kindle - $2.99My Rating: 5 of 5 StarsSpoilers!What's it all about?As we continue the stories of Simon and the Shadowhunter Academy, this story bring to life the history of love and friendship that has plagued the New York institute for many years. When Izzy comes to pay Simon a visit, it is not out of her own will, but her fathers. Robert Lightwood has had many ups and downs in his life, but we soon find out his lowest point, and one that he plans on making an example of. His story is told as one to teach those at the academy to forgive, and forget. Hopefully Simon and Izzy will be able to hear this message loud and clear, finally.The Best Parts:I think this is the best so far form these novels, as it gives a great back story to the homophobic natures of the shadowhunters, as well as Robert’s uncomfortableness with his own some Alec, and why he is trying so hard for his son as well. This story also shows a great deal of trust and memory gain that Simon is going through, and I think it is a great send off towards the end of the series. It seems like a light at the end of the tunnel for my Sizzy.The Worst Parts:For once I can’t say anything bad about a story. I thought everything about this short story was perfect, and I just want more!Final thoughts:If you love anything Shadowhunters you should totally read these stories! The next story comes out July 21, with each book coming out every month!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. It's Simon we love! By Angie IsA ReadingMachine In this installment the first year of Shadowhunter Academy has come to an end. But they have one final guest speaker - Robert Lightwood, the Inquisitor. He's brought along his unwilling daughter, Isabelle, to help with the lesson. Robert takes us back to 1984 when Valentine's Circle was gaining momentum. We saw just how manipulative Valentine was and how he could turn the best of friends against each other to follow him. Robert's point being, do not let someone charismatic with a pretty face deter you from doing the right thing. Hopefully, Robert is finally taking some action in healing the rift with his children. Simon is definitely his own man and stands by the courage of his convictions, no matter how unpopular. Not as funny or squee-worthy as previous installments but still a great read.

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The Evil We Love (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy Book 5), by Cassandra Clare, Robin Wasserman

The Evil We Love (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy Book 5), by Cassandra Clare, Robin Wasserman

The Evil We Love (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy Book 5), by Cassandra Clare, Robin Wasserman
The Evil We Love (Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy Book 5), by Cassandra Clare, Robin Wasserman

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