Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Dread Not, by Wesley K. Clark II

Dread Not, by Wesley K. Clark II

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Dread Not, by Wesley K. Clark II

Dread Not, by Wesley K. Clark II

Dread Not, by Wesley K. Clark II

Read Online and Download Dread Not, by Wesley K. Clark II

A novel in the vein of World War Z about artificial intelligence, god and black holes of the soul with enough sex, drugs, geopolitics, military mayhem and dime-store philosophizing to keep you entertained. Soon to be a major motion picture.

Dread Not, by Wesley K. Clark II

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #531339 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-17
  • Released on: 2015-06-17
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Dread Not, by Wesley K. Clark II

Dread Not, by Wesley K. Clark II

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Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. A Must Read By Jeff Waldorf I really liked the concept of the 500 year story arc. After a couple of a chapters I couldn't put it down. Is it perfect? No. Is it entertaining? Hell yes.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Outstanding read. By Jordan Mechanic A super fun romp through space and time that keeps the reader wanting to read just one more page. I absolutely loved how we were able to follow the thread of what appeared to be separate story lines and how everything melded together. And the concepts/ideas which the author brings up for us to contemplate (e.g., AI) are done in a way that meshes perfectly with the story telling. It was also obvious that the author had actual experience in the military from how he captured the feel spot on. I would recommend this book to anyone that enjoys a good scifi read.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Dread Not is bound to be a best seller and a classic!!! By Burton J McLucas Wesley K. Clark II has crafted an outstanding Sci-Fi novel that is unique and captivating to read. He leads us on an epic journey through nearly six centuries of the earth's future all woven together by the never ending greed of Beal(c) and his desire to literally control everything in the universe. You will not be disappointed!

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Dread Not, by Wesley K. Clark II

Dread Not, by Wesley K. Clark II

Dread Not, by Wesley K. Clark II
Dread Not, by Wesley K. Clark II

Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

Divina (Spanish Edition), by N. S. Luna

Divina (Spanish Edition), by N. S. Luna

This book Divina (Spanish Edition), By N. S. Luna deals you better of life that could create the high quality of the life brighter. This Divina (Spanish Edition), By N. S. Luna is what individuals now require. You are right here and you could be exact and certain to obtain this book Divina (Spanish Edition), By N. S. Luna Never ever question to get it even this is just a publication. You could get this book Divina (Spanish Edition), By N. S. Luna as one of your collections. Yet, not the collection to display in your shelfs. This is a precious publication to be reading collection.

Divina (Spanish Edition), by N. S. Luna

Divina (Spanish Edition), by N. S. Luna

Divina (Spanish Edition), by N. S. Luna

Read Online and Download Ebook Divina (Spanish Edition), by N. S. Luna

Sinopsis Juli tiene 16 años, y es divina. Después de años de ser un patito feo, deja de lado una poco popular y triste adolescencia, para por fin, sentirse que pertenece. Se olvidó de sus inseguridades, y gracias a sus amigos, ahora se siente divina. O por lo menos, eso es lo que todos le dicen. Pero en sus últimos años de escuela, se pone de novia con Fede. Un universitario lindo e inteligente que le hace replantear su vida y la visión que tiene de ella misma. ¿Qué es lo que le falta? ¿Qué es lo que le sobra? Es una historia de amor… Pero no entre Juli y Fede. No te adelanto más. Léela.

Divina (Spanish Edition), by N. S. Luna

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #654773 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-07
  • Released on: 2015-06-07
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Divina (Spanish Edition), by N. S. Luna

Divina (Spanish Edition), by N. S. Luna

Where to Download Divina (Spanish Edition), by N. S. Luna

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. La dulce primera historia de amor. By Ode O He de decir que empecé este libro con las expectativas bien alta porque soy fiel seguidora de Soledad. Pero a medida que iba leyendo esas expectativas cambiaron, y si he de confesar, creía que sería una historia linda de romance, pero me encontré con una historia que puede parecerse a nuestra primera historia de amor, lo que las elevó aún más (cosa que creía imposible). Eso que todos hemos vivido en algún momento y que sencillamente cada vez que lo recordamos se nos dibuja una linda sonrisa en la cara.Y no sólo hablo del primer chico o chica que amamos, sino de las confidencias con nuestros mejores amigos, esa primera vez que entramos a una discoteca con identificación falsa, o esas escapadas que nos echamos del colegio sólo por flojera a entrar a alguna clase.Todo eso forma parte de nuestra primera vez, y en esta novela lo leemos, nos reímos con los personajes, suspirando con sus primeros besos, o hasta lloramos con sus primeras tristezas. Es un libro que habla de amistad incondicional y de aprender a conocerse. Lo recomiendo de todo corazón, pasarán momento DIVINOS mientras lo leen.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Divina!!! By fabiola langenbacher El descubrir la amistad, la atraccion hacia otra persona y el verdadero amor d juventud Es lo que nos muestra esta maravillosa escritoria en Divina, yo la ame desde el principio hasta el agradecimiento que me parecio Maravilloso asi que esta mas que recomendada, la disfrutaran 100%

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Una historia muy bien redactada. Para las mujeres adultas ... By fabiana Una historia muy bien redactada. Para las mujeres adultas, nos transporta a nuestra adolescencia y vivimos las tramas de la historia como si revivieramos nuestro tiempo en la secundaria. Felicitaciones N. S. Luna... adore esta novela.

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Divina (Spanish Edition), by N. S. Luna

Divina (Spanish Edition), by N. S. Luna

Divina (Spanish Edition), by N. S. Luna
Divina (Spanish Edition), by N. S. Luna

Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

Mosquito, by Izzy Nance, Colin Teague

Mosquito, by Izzy Nance, Colin Teague

The Mosquito, By Izzy Nance, Colin Teague tends to be terrific reading book that is easy to understand. This is why this book Mosquito, By Izzy Nance, Colin Teague comes to be a favorite book to read. Why don't you really want turned into one of them? You could enjoy checking out Mosquito, By Izzy Nance, Colin Teague while doing other activities. The existence of the soft data of this book Mosquito, By Izzy Nance, Colin Teague is type of getting experience effortlessly. It includes just how you should conserve guide Mosquito, By Izzy Nance, Colin Teague, not in shelves naturally. You may wait in your computer gadget and gadget.

Mosquito, by Izzy Nance, Colin Teague

Mosquito, by Izzy Nance, Colin Teague

Mosquito, by Izzy Nance, Colin Teague

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16-year-old Charlie, lives in a 'Post-Crash' Bay Area. In her controlled society empathy is not allowed, love is a sickness, and might makes right. Charlie is an Alpha, a rising star on the Admin track and enjoying it. She is in training to become a leader. But Charlie struggles to hide her empathetic impulses and suppress her curiosity in this highly stratified meritocracy where her personal digital Link watches her every move. A driven thrill-seeker, Charlie decides to break the rules and leave her compound after curfew. The danger feeds a part of Charlie’s soul that she didn’t even know was hungry. In the forbidden world outside the walls of conformity Charlie discovers a mentor, friendship, and the most dangerous thing of all--love.

Mosquito, by Izzy Nance, Colin Teague

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #542906 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-11
  • Released on: 2015-06-11
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Mosquito, by Izzy Nance, Colin Teague

Mosquito, by Izzy Nance, Colin Teague

Where to Download Mosquito, by Izzy Nance, Colin Teague

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Charlie is such a well-crafted character! She's that plucky ... By Anna Rosenblat Charlie is such a well-crafted character! She's that plucky, charming, irresistible adventuresse you always wished you had around as a child... or even as an adult! What a marvelous journey it is to follow her around in this imagined world of our future that feels fantastical on the one hand, and so relatable on the other. This is a must read!!!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Thrilling revolutionary story By Hana In this dystopian future, compassion and empathy are shameful while self promotion and self reliance are the goals. Love is the most shameful thing of all. Children are raised by the state and impressed with these values from infancy. Charlie is the perfect citizen, bound for greatness, but feels a deep dissatisfaction as she approaches graduation. She invents a game called Mosquito that breaks several rules and sets events in motion that will change her life. Great exciting read!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. I would highly recommend the book By TJ Stalzer Enthralling story about courage and self determination. Flawlessly written with something always left to the imagination allowing the reader to see the story and feel the character's tribulation. I would highly recommend the book.

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Mosquito, by Izzy Nance, Colin Teague

Mosquito, by Izzy Nance, Colin Teague

Mosquito, by Izzy Nance, Colin Teague
Mosquito, by Izzy Nance, Colin Teague

Superfood Smoothies: How I Shook Off 30 lbs. Eating Lean Meals & Tasty Superfoods Under 300 Calories,

Superfood Smoothies: How I Shook Off 30 lbs. Eating Lean Meals & Tasty Superfoods Under 300 Calories, by Kristi Carter

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Superfood Smoothies: How I Shook Off 30 lbs. Eating Lean Meals & Tasty Superfoods Under 300 Calories, by Kristi Carter

Superfood Smoothies: How I Shook Off 30 lbs. Eating Lean Meals & Tasty Superfoods Under 300 Calories, by Kristi Carter

Superfood Smoothies: How I Shook Off 30 lbs. Eating Lean Meals & Tasty Superfoods Under 300 Calories, by Kristi Carter

Read and Download Superfood Smoothies: How I Shook Off 30 lbs. Eating Lean Meals & Tasty Superfoods Under 300 Calories, by Kristi Carter

Learn how to prepare ultra nutritious, ultra delicious weight melting super smoothies.

Superfood Smoothies: How I Shook Off 30 lbs. Eating Lean Meals & Tasty Superfoods Under 300 Calories, by Kristi Carter

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1069590 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-15
  • Released on: 2015-06-15
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Superfood Smoothies: How I Shook Off 30 lbs. Eating Lean Meals & Tasty Superfoods Under 300 Calories, by Kristi Carter

Superfood Smoothies: How I Shook Off 30 lbs. Eating Lean Meals & Tasty Superfoods Under 300 Calories, by Kristi Carter

Where to Download Superfood Smoothies: How I Shook Off 30 lbs. Eating Lean Meals & Tasty Superfoods Under 300 Calories, by Kristi Carter

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Mix the right foods! By GinaT This eBook is awesome because I already make smoothies. However I didn't know exactly which are the actual superfoods that I should be mixing together. I think I have a fear for green foods for fear that they may be bitter and sour, but actually I see how that there is a way so mix them with specific fruits and other vegetables and make it taste good. Kristi Carter says that she lost 30 points using lean meals and these super smoothies. I think that is very doable, and also that you need to plan your smoothies ahead. If you put the wrong things at the wrong amounts in a smoothie like the ones in this book you may risk a higher caloric, sugar, or sodium content than planned. That is swhy I would recommend that you follow the recipes that she has written here verbatim and only swap for things of a similar group.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. learned a lot from the book By teri This book is a great resource for superfoods. The author, in her attempts to get healthy learned about superfoods and what they did. So she based her weight loss on using them in her weight loss regimen. I am looking forward to trying some of these superfoods recipes in to my meal plan. I like the fact that superfoods will keep me fuller longer, so that will help to cut down the snacking in between meals. I have never considered using superfoods in shakes as a meal replacement. That is a really good idea and one I am looking forward to trying.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great info By Miranda Jenkins I have been trying, somewhat to lose weight on and off for the past 3 years and just seem to get bored with what I was eating, so I decided to give this book a go. This book was very informative and has some really great suggestions and tips all through out the book. I like how her super foods are broken down with explanations for each. I truly loved her recipes she has included and I plan on starting to make so of these right away. This is a great book for anyone that wants to lose weight to add to their library of information.

See all 3 customer reviews... Superfood Smoothies: How I Shook Off 30 lbs. Eating Lean Meals & Tasty Superfoods Under 300 Calories, by Kristi Carter

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Superfood Smoothies: How I Shook Off 30 lbs. Eating Lean Meals & Tasty Superfoods Under 300 Calories, by Kristi Carter

Superfood Smoothies: How I Shook Off 30 lbs. Eating Lean Meals & Tasty Superfoods Under 300 Calories, by Kristi Carter

Superfood Smoothies: How I Shook Off 30 lbs. Eating Lean Meals & Tasty Superfoods Under 300 Calories, by Kristi Carter
Superfood Smoothies: How I Shook Off 30 lbs. Eating Lean Meals & Tasty Superfoods Under 300 Calories, by Kristi Carter

Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

Cannibal Killers: Gripping True Crime Cases Of Vicious Cannibal Killers: What Makes Cannibal Killers Tick?,

Cannibal Killers: Gripping True Crime Cases Of Vicious Cannibal Killers: What Makes Cannibal Killers Tick?, by Jason Keeler

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Cannibal Killers: Gripping True Crime Cases Of Vicious Cannibal Killers: What Makes Cannibal Killers Tick?, by Jason Keeler

Cannibal Killers: Gripping True Crime Cases Of Vicious Cannibal Killers: What Makes Cannibal Killers Tick?, by Jason Keeler

Cannibal Killers: Gripping True Crime Cases Of Vicious Cannibal Killers: What Makes Cannibal Killers Tick?, by Jason Keeler

Download PDF Ebook Online Cannibal Killers: Gripping True Crime Cases Of Vicious Cannibal Killers: What Makes Cannibal Killers Tick?, by Jason Keeler

Volume 2 of the Cannibal Killers Series: Gripping True Crime Cases Of Vicious Cannibal Killers: What Makes A Cannibal Tick?

*****Get Your FREE BONUSES When You Download This Book!*****In today’s world, the idea of cannibalism is associated with far more darker ideologies than they used to be. In earlier societies, the eating of human meat was often something that was done as a divine practice, to appease some powerful deity. More recently, however, cannibalism has become associated with murder and gore, where people kill to partake of the flesh. Many of these killers are sadistic, often being sexually aroused by the pain of others. And cannibalism is accompanied by problems like necrophilia and even more disturbingly, paedophilia. In this book, I have outlined for you the life stories of killers who butchered people not with specific motive, but simply to sample the taste of human flesh and fulfill that hunger for blood. They have been some of the most gruesome of murderers, who have played with their victims and enjoyed carving up their prey.

Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...

  • Cannibal Killers – Matthew Williams – The B&B Killer
  • Cannibal Killers – David Viens – The Vicious Wife Killer
  • Cannibal Killers – Armin Meiwes – The Internet Killer
  • Cannibal Killers – Katherine Knight – The Australian Psycho
  • Cannibal Killers – The Psych of A Cannibal
  • Much, much more!
  • >>> Download this book today! Cannibal Killers: Gripping True Crime Cases Of Vicious Cannibal Killers: What Makes Cannibal Killers Tick?, by Jason Keeler

    • Amazon Sales Rank: #250619 in eBooks
    • Published on: 2015-06-01
    • Released on: 2015-06-01
    • Format: Kindle eBook
    Cannibal Killers: Gripping True Crime Cases Of Vicious Cannibal Killers: What Makes Cannibal Killers Tick?, by Jason Keeler

    Cannibal Killers: Gripping True Crime Cases Of Vicious Cannibal Killers: What Makes Cannibal Killers Tick?, by Jason Keeler

    Where to Download Cannibal Killers: Gripping True Crime Cases Of Vicious Cannibal Killers: What Makes Cannibal Killers Tick?, by Jason Keeler

    Most helpful customer reviews

    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great book! By Brady Black Why do strange things happen? This book talks about cannibal killers and their true murder stories, very fascinating and well written. If you're into murder stories and mysteries, this book is for you. I really enjoyed the chapter on Alfred Packer - the Colorado Cannibal. Five stars!

    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Fascinating Book By Tam Such depravity and twisted individuals are in this book. Up until now I hadn't read much on cannibalism, but this book definitely gives the reader some insight into the twisted individuals who are cannibals. Will read more of your books.

    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Quick read. By Shannon James There's some interesting information in here, however the writing seems a bit juvenile and the facts seem a bit sketchy. In one case, I believe there was another victim that was not mentioned.

    See all 3 customer reviews... Cannibal Killers: Gripping True Crime Cases Of Vicious Cannibal Killers: What Makes Cannibal Killers Tick?, by Jason Keeler

    Cannibal Killers: Gripping True Crime Cases Of Vicious Cannibal Killers: What Makes Cannibal Killers Tick?, by Jason Keeler PDF
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    Cannibal Killers: Gripping True Crime Cases Of Vicious Cannibal Killers: What Makes Cannibal Killers Tick?, by Jason Keeler

    Cannibal Killers: Gripping True Crime Cases Of Vicious Cannibal Killers: What Makes Cannibal Killers Tick?, by Jason Keeler

    Cannibal Killers: Gripping True Crime Cases Of Vicious Cannibal Killers: What Makes Cannibal Killers Tick?, by Jason Keeler
    Cannibal Killers: Gripping True Crime Cases Of Vicious Cannibal Killers: What Makes Cannibal Killers Tick?, by Jason Keeler

My Life: From a Russian Shtetl to the Golden Land, by Samuel Osipow

My Life: From a Russian Shtetl to the Golden Land, by Samuel Osipow

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My Life: From a Russian Shtetl to the Golden Land, by Samuel Osipow

My Life: From a Russian Shtetl to the Golden Land, by Samuel Osipow

My Life: From a Russian Shtetl to the Golden Land, by Samuel Osipow

Read and Download My Life: From a Russian Shtetl to the Golden Land, by Samuel Osipow

Samuel Osipow was born in 1883 in the Russian shtetl (Yiddish for town) of Liadi, lost to World War II. In his colorful and lyrical autobiography, My Life: From a Russian Shtetl to the Golden Land, Liadi lives again. Its Jewish holy days; Osipow's loving mother Rishe Ranyeh; his pious, Hebrew teacher father Nachum; cousins Izzy the Tiny One and Chonale the Monster; dreaded teacher Kulye the Ox; nemesis Itse the One-Eyed; and local legend Avreml the Yeast Maker all come back to life.

Osipow's father forces him to study scripture day and night to become a rabbi, but at 16, he rebels and leaves home. He hears a speech on "justice and righteousness," source for the chapter "I Set Out to Rebuild the World." He demonstrates against anti-Semitism, and is jailed, as explained in the chapter "The Bund Seeks to Enter Smolensk." Released from jail, he flees to London, publishes a socialist newspaper, battles with anarchists, and protests pogroms in Russia. His future wife joins him from Russia, a son is born, and in 1906 they sail to America. The distinctive, occasionally tumultuous immigrant life that ensues is worth a book of its own.

My Life was written in Yiddish in 1954 and was translated to English in 2012 by the late Murray Sachs, professor emeritus of romance and comparative literature at Brandeis University.

My Life: From a Russian Shtetl to the Golden Land, by Samuel Osipow

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #4063019 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-06-02
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .45" w x 6.00" l, .60 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 196 pages
My Life: From a Russian Shtetl to the Golden Land, by Samuel Osipow

About the Author

Samuel Osipow (1883–1965) was born in the Russian shtetl of Liadi. Immigrating to America in 1906, he settled in the Boston area where the Independent Workmen's Circle became the great cause of his life.

He wrote many songs and poems in Yiddish, and published My Life in Yiddish in 1954. It would remain largely unread for nearly 60 years.

Murray Sachs (1924–2013) was a talented translator, and professor emeritus of romance and comparative literature at Brandeis University. Because of his magnificent, generous effort, My Life is now available to an English-reading audience for the first time.

My Life: From a Russian Shtetl to the Golden Land, by Samuel Osipow

Where to Download My Life: From a Russian Shtetl to the Golden Land, by Samuel Osipow

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Beautifully told memoir By Lesley Shilling This memoir was wonderful! Osipow is an amazing story-teller. Of course, I am related by marriage to Mr. Osipow, so I have a personal interest in his stories. However, any person with an ancestor who emigrated to the united states from a foreign country can relate to Mr. Osipow's stories. He writes with the soul of a poet and shows great love for his country and his family.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Your family came from another land. This is your story too. By Jimmy Cape Cod Read this book. Mr. Osipow shares the American Dream with a generation that knows nothing but entitlement. He sums up the experience of millions of people who came, not for a handout, not even a hand-up, but for a chance. I am not Jewish, but I see, hear and feel my Italian grandfather in this tale. He too came to America with nothing, worked hard and although never financially rich, he lived a happy and productive life, instilling in his children and grandchildren the important basic values that lead to a fulfillment. This book should be read in every classroom in America! Thank you Mr. Levin for bringing your grandfather's story to us.

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My Life: From a Russian Shtetl to the Golden Land, by Samuel Osipow

My Life: From a Russian Shtetl to the Golden Land, by Samuel Osipow

My Life: From a Russian Shtetl to the Golden Land, by Samuel Osipow
My Life: From a Russian Shtetl to the Golden Land, by Samuel Osipow

Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

A Grand Murder (Nick Steele Book 2), by Dave Vizard

A Grand Murder (Nick Steele Book 2), by Dave Vizard

A Grand Murder (Nick Steele Book 2), By Dave Vizard. Allow's check out! We will frequently figure out this sentence anywhere. When still being a kid, mother used to order us to consistently review, so did the educator. Some publications A Grand Murder (Nick Steele Book 2), By Dave Vizard are fully checked out in a week and we need the obligation to sustain reading A Grand Murder (Nick Steele Book 2), By Dave Vizard Exactly what around now? Do you still like reading? Is checking out simply for you that have responsibility? Never! We below provide you a brand-new book qualified A Grand Murder (Nick Steele Book 2), By Dave Vizard to check out.

A Grand Murder (Nick Steele Book 2), by Dave Vizard

A Grand Murder (Nick Steele Book 2), by Dave Vizard

A Grand Murder (Nick Steele Book 2), by Dave Vizard

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When a body lands on the porch of the legendary Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, news reporter Nick Steele is pulled into a mysterious death at one of America's great summer resorts. Nick tracks the killer from the magical island through the neighborhoods of Bay City and a Flint auto assembly plant, unlocking the truth behind a horrifying secret of the past.

A Grand Murder (Nick Steele Book 2), by Dave Vizard

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #252485 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-21
  • Released on: 2015-06-21
  • Format: Kindle eBook
A Grand Murder (Nick Steele Book 2), by Dave Vizard

About the Author Dave Vizard is a Michigan author who lives with his wife, Barbara, near Caseville. Vizard is a former award-winning newspaper and magazine editor who worked for publications in Detroit, Flint, and Bay City. He also has taught journalism. "A Grand Murder" is his second novel.

A Grand Murder (Nick Steele Book 2), by Dave Vizard

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A GRAND MURDER By Amazon Customer A Grand Murder: Dave VizardSometimes even hit men or women make a mistake and they take out the wrong mark. Charlie Marx finds herself in s serious fix when she kills or shall I say throws Adam Townsend over the railing of the Grand Manor Hotel and he winds up dead on the porch. Poor Adam just wanted to have some fun with his new girlfriend and his friend Zeke not only funded the night for him, gave him his credit information but allowed him to have carte blanche for the night. So, just why did Charlie mistake him for Zeke? Why didn’t she realize she had the wrong person? Well fret not! She will find a way to correct her mistake, get paid the big bucks and she hopes not get caught.This murder took place in a small town and Nick Steele is a reporter with a small paper and will stop at nothing to learn what really happened to poor Adam. The setting is the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island and Nick is relentless in his pursuit to learn the truth behind the murder. But, the killer is out there and the police chief although taking a liking to Nick, tells give him the information to write his story, she does not allow him to think that it’s a murder even though she knows it is. Time wears on and the killer is smart will she try again or will Nick be able to put it together with the help of reporter friend Dave?Going to the hotel and the island Nick meets with the Chief of Police and the manager of the hotel who stonewall him at first since the death and the investigation have just begun. No one is saying Adam’s death was a murder. No one is sure exactly how he wound up over the railing. But, Nick is relentless and although his boss the city editor Clapper does not want him hunting down a killer or pursuing this full time, he ignores the warnings, and with the help of his friend Dave, a reporter from another paper and a young novice reporter named Greta he just might solve the case.Realizing that Zeke might have been the original target Nick decides to speak with each of his ex-wives and learns more about his side businesses and his illegal dealings. Zeke was into arson for hire and would take action-burning buildings for landlords for the insurance money. Never getting caught but in one case the end result was more than tragic.The killer is smart, unseen and manages to create enough diversions and disguises as not to get caught. The person hiring her has revenge in his/her heart for the deaths of family members. Nick is smart and maybe too smart as the killer warns him to back off before it’s too late.Adam Townsend was bullied, picked on and not very popular but an all around nice guy who just had some bad luck. Even his funeral did not turn out the way he would have wanted and the scene is quite comical. Throughout the novel the author introduces the on again and off again romance between Nick and Tanya. Wanted to move things along it never seems like the right moment and Tanya begins to wonder if it will ever happen. But, his boss called the Castrator wants more than just a business relationship. She might be the publisher but she has other things in mind for Nick to publish than a story.The Bay City area will never be the same and the end result is a police chief named Calkins and a hotel manager that will stop at nothing to find the killer, solve the case and bring someone to justice. But, before all is said and done the killer strikes again as Nick learns whom the landlord was that owned the building that Zeke burned and killed an entire family. Next, the killer is determined to correct the mistake and take out Zeke in a fashion that the killer feels he deserves. Tricking a Bay City Realtor into seeing four properties the killer stakes out one lures Zeke there and the end result is more than just murder. But, the killer is smart and somehow gets away.Zeke Zimmer is a gambler, hustler, arsonist, and liar, cheat and much more so did he deserve what he got? When the manager of the hotel questions her employees one finally comes forward and the end result might change it all.Nick will stop at nothing and the author introduces a character that is credible, hardnosed and will stop at nothing including his bosses advances and warnings in order to get justice for Adam and hopefully stop the killer from striking again.When Nick meets with someone connected to the arson that Zeke planned and executed the reader will have to decide whether justice was done or if Nick should give the police what they need to finally close the case. An ending that is quite open-ended and a killer that is still out there and a murder that remains partly closed. An interesting novel and characters that work well together as one novice reporter named Greta is sharp, astute and definitely a great match for Nick in more ways than one. Will he and Tanya ever really hook up? What about the next case or story that they are working on at the end? What about Darren Appleton? How does that end? The issues of friendship, loyalties, trust, deceit, lies, betrayals are just some of what is brought to light by the author in this novel as well as what happens when someone is helpless and has Alzheimer’s and cannot defend themselves. What happens when the staff of a nursing home does not check to see that a person signing in really does not belong there? Who is responsible for the person’s demise?After reading A Grand Murder would you visit this hotel? Would you feel comfortable staying there? What do you think the police should do next? The picture of the killer is all over the news and the newspapers. Maybe author Dave Vizard will bring back Nick, Dave, Greta and the whole newspaper staff to solve another murder and maybe finally catch a killer that might be too smart for them all.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Much better continuity wise for the editing than the first By ARG Much better continuity wise for the editing than the first. Its been a bit maybe six months since the last book. A man falls to his death from the balcony at the Grand Hotel and it is believed to be a local man Nick profiled the year before. On arrival with the brother to ID the body, it is not him. Nick gets real interested and uncovers a big story. I like how this one resolved so differently from the other as it fit with the crime involved. Lots of spoiler on the first if you haven't read it and some forward progress with the unresolved bits of that book.Interesting things promise in the next book if it comes to fruition.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A Grand Review By Janelle A. Holt I loved reading about familiar places all wrapped up in a murder mystery. Being from Michigan, originally, and having just visited the 'Island' the mention of fudgies, and the sights and smells of the setting came to life. The murder was surprising, especially when it was the wrong victim! The descriptions of the reporter's 'chasing' the story gave an insight into the mind of a journalist and having the outlook of a rookie journalist, Greta, and seasoned journalist, Dave, gave some understanding of the learning curve of the work. It was a gripping read, as I wanted to continue to find out how it would progress. Keep writing Dave!!

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A Grand Murder (Nick Steele Book 2), by Dave Vizard

A Grand Murder (Nick Steele Book 2), by Dave Vizard

A Grand Murder (Nick Steele Book 2), by Dave Vizard
A Grand Murder (Nick Steele Book 2), by Dave Vizard

Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010

Rudyard Kipling : a character sutdy : life, writings and literary landmarks, by Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling : a character sutdy : life, writings and literary landmarks, by Rudyard Kipling

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Rudyard Kipling : a character sutdy : life, writings and literary landmarks, by Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling : a character sutdy : life, writings and literary landmarks, by Rudyard Kipling

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Rudyard Kipling : a character sutdy : life, writings and literary landmarks

Rudyard Kipling : a character sutdy : life, writings and literary landmarks, by Rudyard Kipling

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1293057 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-06
  • Released on: 2015-06-06
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Rudyard Kipling : a character sutdy : life, writings and literary landmarks, by Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling : a character sutdy : life, writings and literary landmarks, by Rudyard Kipling

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Cool! By Mary A gift that was much welcomed!

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Rudyard Kipling : a character sutdy : life, writings and literary landmarks, by Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling : a character sutdy : life, writings and literary landmarks, by Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling : a character sutdy : life, writings and literary landmarks, by Rudyard Kipling
Rudyard Kipling : a character sutdy : life, writings and literary landmarks, by Rudyard Kipling

Safety Off: Part 1, An Erotic Contemporary Romance Serial Trilogy: City of Angels Series,

Safety Off: Part 1, An Erotic Contemporary Romance Serial Trilogy: City of Angels Series, by Dina Haynes

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Safety Off: Part 1, An Erotic Contemporary Romance Serial Trilogy: City of Angels Series, by Dina Haynes

Safety Off: Part 1, An Erotic Contemporary Romance Serial Trilogy: City of Angels Series, by Dina Haynes

Safety Off: Part 1, An Erotic Contemporary Romance Serial Trilogy: City of Angels Series, by Dina Haynes

PDF Ebook Safety Off: Part 1, An Erotic Contemporary Romance Serial Trilogy: City of Angels Series, by Dina Haynes

Vera is searching for love online when she gets catfished by a guy much too young for a single mother of two. He texts her an unsolicited dirty picture meant to entice but, instead, she runs. Until her best friend convinces her to turn the tables on him. And it works. The player gets played and she gets... Scott, bored with the usual prospects, is looking for an experience with a more seasoned kind of girl. He only wants a visitor’s pass, though. And when Vera gives him exactly that, she leaves him pining for more. *This is Part 1 in a serial trilogy* *Material in this book contains explicit sex, language, and violence for 18+.*

Safety Off: Part 1, An Erotic Contemporary Romance Serial Trilogy: City of Angels Series, by Dina Haynes

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1555662 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-10-03
  • Released on: 2015-10-03
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Safety Off: Part 1, An Erotic Contemporary Romance Serial Trilogy: City of Angels Series, by Dina Haynes

Safety Off: Part 1, An Erotic Contemporary Romance Serial Trilogy: City of Angels Series, by Dina Haynes

Where to Download Safety Off: Part 1, An Erotic Contemporary Romance Serial Trilogy: City of Angels Series, by Dina Haynes

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. I received this book from the author in return for ... By Hotcha I received this book from the author in return for an honest review and this is just book one of the trilogy of a divorced LA cop with two kids. "Vera" had signed up for a dating site when she kicked her cheating husband out of her life. It seemed the wife was the lost to know that he'd cheated with his coworkers, and she'd always wondered about the women's sneers when she walked in on his arm at his company's function! It had been hard to date or make new friends when working as a cop and as a single mom with two children. She got a "flirt" from an older man named Scott and fantasised about being with him............Scott was sick of dating twenty=something women that chatted about flavored lip gloss! He decided to "borrow" an older man's picture and posted as his own, and he was fascinated with the tempting lips. One luscious looking woman named "Vera" but with her glossy black hair and dark shin, he knew her name had to be fake.......

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. I liked this book By Tammy Warren I liked this book. Ronnie is a 37 year old divorced mother of two. She has signed up on a two dating sites and finds crappy men. Finally she finds a very attractive older man named Scott. Finally they meet but neither one has been completely truthful. This leads to lots of conflict. I am ready for the rest of this story.

See all 2 customer reviews... Safety Off: Part 1, An Erotic Contemporary Romance Serial Trilogy: City of Angels Series, by Dina Haynes

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Safety Off: Part 1, An Erotic Contemporary Romance Serial Trilogy: City of Angels Series, by Dina Haynes

Safety Off: Part 1, An Erotic Contemporary Romance Serial Trilogy: City of Angels Series, by Dina Haynes

Safety Off: Part 1, An Erotic Contemporary Romance Serial Trilogy: City of Angels Series, by Dina Haynes
Safety Off: Part 1, An Erotic Contemporary Romance Serial Trilogy: City of Angels Series, by Dina Haynes

Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

Ignite: The Complete Series, by Erica Crouch

Ignite: The Complete Series, by Erica Crouch

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Ignite: The Complete Series, by Erica Crouch

Ignite: The Complete Series, by Erica Crouch

Ignite: The Complete Series, by Erica Crouch

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The complete Ignite Series by Erica Crouch. Includes: Ignite, Entice, Incite, Engage, and Infinite IGNITE Pen fell from grace over a millennium ago, yet there are still times she questions her decision to follow her twin brother, Azael, to Hell. Now that the archangel Michael has returned, threatening Lucifer’s vie for the throne, she begins questioning everything she has always believed. ENTICE Suddenly top-tiered demons, Pen and Azael are tasked with seeing through hell’s new agenda: corrupting man. But tarnishing Eden isn’t as simple as they thought it would be, especially when they’re forced to work with another team of demons who are trying to claw their way up the ladder of power. A novella that prequels IGNITE. INCITE Earth is in ruins, and the war of Heaven and Hell has spilled over into the mortal world. In the frozen wasteland of the apocalypse, Azael and his band of cohorts search for Pen and Michael with orders to kill. Little does he know that his sister has incited a rebel army of her own. ENGAGE With a mass cleansing on the horizon, Kala discovers she is not alone in her insubordination; there are other angels who are restless with the stasis of Heaven and ready for change. Progress doesn’t come easily, though, especially when it means uniting ancient enemies to fight for a common cause. A novella that prequels INCITE. INFINITE As Azael spirals deeper and deeper into darkness, and Pen grapples with her new leadership role, a familiar name rises to power whose decisions have the potential to rewrite everyone’s future. Dangerous secrets, silent traitors, and unraveling fates means that time is running out. There’s no telling who will survive the final battle.

Ignite: The Complete Series, by Erica Crouch

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1335520 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-26
  • Released on: 2015-06-26
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Ignite: The Complete Series, by Erica Crouch

Ignite: The Complete Series, by Erica Crouch

Where to Download Ignite: The Complete Series, by Erica Crouch

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Love dark YA fantasy stories? You need these books in your life ASAP! By Ashley Ferguson This bundle is an incredible set of books, and an even better deal. I mean, who doesn't want 5 books for under $7?! Especially books that are as well written, heart wrenching, and engaging as all of the books in the Ignite series are.As a whole, this is a story that will appeal to a wide audience. The characters are memorable and very well crafted, and I still find myself thinking about them long after I've finished this series. Waiting for each new installment to find out what was going to happen to Pen, Az, Michael, and their friends/enemies/acquaintances was so hard, so count your blessings that you get to read all of these books one right after another! Trust me, you won't want to read anything else in between. Each new book revealed more and more about these characters, and not a single one of them is the same person they started out as. Some have changed for the better, some for the worse, and some of them even lost what little bit remained of their sanity along the way.The plot moves along very quickly, but not so quickly that it's impossible to step back and figure out what's going on. I basically read each book in one sitting, staying up all through the night sometimes just to get to the end. It was so hard to put these books down because I just had to know what was going to happen next. Even the two novellas, which are more background than actually adding to the main plot, have enough going on to make them just as exciting as the main books.On top of all of that, Erica's writing is absolutely gorgeous. There were so many tears shed throughout this series because she just has this way with words and characters. Erica broke my heart so many times, only to pick the pieces up and glue them back together, just so she could break it all over again in the next book. Or even the next chapter. She's brutal, but it's so worth it. So many feels, you'll definitely want to have a box of tissues handy!My reviews for the individual books can be found at, but I would definitely recommend this complete set if you have any interest in dark YA fantasy books. Especially ones with angels and demons, memorable characters, an engaging plot, and all the twists and turns you'll never see coming! A 5/5 for sure. I'm sad this series is over, but I can't wait to see what Erica comes up with next!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A phenomenal plot followed by stunning writing ! By Ayah Assem I have read the entire series, except for Entice(#1.5), and I found myself trapped not only in the world that Erica created, but also in her writing style. I will post each individual book review down below.Ignite:I went into this knowing nothing but that it revolved around Angels and Demons''Paranormal". I also heard nothing but good things about it, and watched the author's vlogs and decided that this book must be awesome. And I was right, I enjoyed reading Ignite and here is why!The writing is, and I am in no way exaggerating this,is magical ! It is just so beautiful, that I plan on getting back to it and rereading in a much slower pace to take in and enjoy the writing more! I am adding Erica Crouch to my list of Authors with Beautiful writing Style,which includes Lauren Oliver,Tahereh Mafi, and A.G Howard!However, there were times were the descriptions were a bit long and the story was a bit slow.During these descriptions, a concept was repeated a lot. Sometimes it slowed the story,and other times it was what made the story great.Each character had his/her own little flavor to add to this story. No one is the same, and every character affects and is effected by another one. What I really liked about it is that nothing was rushed. There was not a second where I thought a character's thought were all over the place. In other words, the character building was pretty much well done!Ignite is more about getting to know the background stories of everyone, and in my opinion, settling the accounts within each character to what they believe and how should they proceed in life.The Romance here is just spectacular and I can't wait to see what happens next.I would also love to add that by the end of this book, I was craving more than ever to go back to high school for that 1 hour of literature everyday! Erica's writing seems to be inspired by brilliant authors such as Edgar Allan Poe and Robert Frost, two of my favorite writers ever!I give Ignite 4/5 stars and a B+ according to my own rating scale !Incite : ReadMy rating:1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars[ 5 of 5 stars ]Incite (Ignite #2)by Erica Crouch (Goodreads Author)4.34 of 5 stars4.34 · rating details · 44 ratings · 34 reviewsEarth is in ruins, and the war of Heaven and Hell has spilled over into the mortal world. In the frozen wasteland of the apocalypse, Azael and his band of cohorts search for Pen and Michael with orders to kill. Little does he know that his sister has incited a rebel army of her own.Angels and demons alike stand side by side, ready and willing to fight for a future they di ...morePaperback, 367 pagesPublished February 17th 2015 by Patchwork PressISBN139781927940259edition languageEnglishseriesIgnite #2other editions (2) Incite (Ignite, #2) Incite (Ignite #2)all editions | add a new edition | combine...less detailedit detailsGet a copy: online stores ▾ LibrarieseditMy ReviewFeb 01, 2015rating 5 of 5 starsbookshelves 2nd-in-series, arc, blog-tour, patchwork-press, read, read-for-review, the-challenge-2015edit shelvesstatus Read from February 01 to 11, 2015format Paperback (edit)review I received an e Arc copy of Incite from Netgalley via Patchwork Press in exchange with an honest review. I am also reviewing it as a part of the Incite Blog Tour.Incite begins with a prologue from Azael's POV that opens a portal to his mind where I witnessed some emotions I thought he had already buried.This book was written from both POV of Pen and Azaeal, which is really interesting. The reader gets to learn more about both characters. More about what they are becoming, and not what they were.The imagery was very impressive; I shuddered every time the author described a torture scene . It was like I was standing there, next to the victim.New characters are added to the story; each of them add a little of something unique to the story.I definitely want Kala to be my Guardian Angel . I love the way she is always bubbly even if the world is crumbling down. I am also interested in knowing more about Eli because I am sure that he has a great history/back story.Like the first book, Ignite, Incite is filled with amazing quotes from plays and poetry .These include the works of Shakespeare and Robert Frost. We also get more action and fighting scenes.The element of darkness is explored in ways that will leave you terrified, breathless,and amazed all at once.I found myself writing down many quotes from Incite because not only is the story thrilling, but also the writing is absolutely beautiful.This is one of the books that tortures you because it is really good, but now you have to wait longer than anyone to read the next book. You know, since this is an ARC and the book is not released yet.I don't know what is driving me mad more, the cliffhanger or the epilogue !!!!I really enjoyed reading Incite , and I can't wait to read the final book in this epic series.I give it 5/5 stars and an A according to my own rating scale.Engage:I absolutely loved Klaziel's story ; everything starting from character building to her actions in the book are amazing . I disagree with the fact she is a terrible angel ! How she reacted to a man's choice shows great wisdom. Obviously her Overseers disagree, and this where the story begins.The story focuses on how Kala and Ana met, which I believe was something that all of the Ignite series fans were highly anticipating, and Erica didn't disappoint !My favorite part was when the angels were falling. Erica was able to depict such a tragic yet beautiful scenery that I kept on replaying in my mind over and over again.I was able to fill a lot of of time gaps, since Engage happens during between both the first book and the first half of the second book. This was really interesting because I got to connect all the pieces of the Ignite puzzle while reading Engage .The book ends with most perfect epilogue that kept me wishing Infinite (Ignite #3) was out already.I really enjoyed reading Engage and gave it 5/5 stars.Infinite:My love for this book is INFINITE !I can't stop myself from being mind blow by this book. I mean, 3 POV ( Lilith, Azael, and Pen) of the most interesting characters are shared in Infinite, and I can't even decided whom's I like the best !From dark minds, thirst for power, to seeking out hope to be just alive and cherish happy moments, the final book in the series will turn your world upside down.I learned more about many of the characters' pasts, which is one of the things that interested me the most ! specially Lilith's past. I am thrilled that Erica add her voice to the story. Lilith is a Pleochroism, her thoughts and strength can be compared to the black diamond.The conversation between Azael and Pen reminded of the song Hurricane by 30STM ! Jared Leto world be the perfect actor to play Azael !The description is phenomenal. When I read the details, I was able to form vivid images in my mind that made love, pity,and loath the characters at the same time ! I also found myself disliking a character that I liked ; well done Erica .Sometimes, I felt like some descriptions were a bit repetitive, so I had to skim a little bit.I give Infinite 4.5/5 stars.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A Forever Favourite By Chiara @ Books for a Delicate Eternity I have written individual reviews for every book in this series, but not one for the series as a whole, which I think it needs and deserves. Needs because I want EVERYONE to read this series, because I just love it so darn much. Deserves because it has given me so much happiness for the last two years, and I need to give back to it, and Erica, as much as I can.The Story:The story of the Ignite series is just downright amazing. If you think you've read all the angel books out there, you're 100% incorrect. Because the Ignite series turns every single YA angel book trope on its head. This story isn't about angels and humans. It's about good and evil, light and dark, love and hate, romance and friendship and family. It is simply so much more than I could have ever expected when I first decided to read it.The Characters:Pen is an amazing heroine to read about because she is really quite flawed, but that's one of the reasons why I love her so much. She's trying to figure out who she is, and even though I'm no demon/fallen angel, I could relate to her in so many ways.Michael is beautiful, as to be expected. He's charming, but also naive, and protective. Everything you could hope for in a love interest, to be honest.But it's really Azael who holds my heart, and will forever more. I can, without a doubt, say that he is my favourite character of all time, and that will never change. He straight up stole my heart from the moment I read about him, and I'll love this demon until the end.And there's also an adorable f/f romance between two of the angels that is too gorgeous for words.The Writing:In one word: beautiful. In some more: captivating, lyrical, enticing, and completely gorgeous. I fell in love with Erica's writing style from word one, and have been a staunched fan ever since.Overall:One of my favourite series that I've ever read. With an amazing story that keeps you turning pages, characters that show the best and worst of themselves and each other, and writing that will have you wishing you had those skills, the Ignite series will always have a special place in my heart.Read this series because you won't regret it, I promise.© 2015, Chiara @ Books for a Delicate Eternity. All rights reserved.

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Ignite: The Complete Series, by Erica Crouch

Ignite: The Complete Series, by Erica Crouch

Ignite: The Complete Series, by Erica Crouch
Ignite: The Complete Series, by Erica Crouch

Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

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Billionaire Romance Box Set: Disciplined by Billionaire (Alpha Male Dominance, Billionaire Romance, New Adult Short Stories), by Madie Kristal, Loni Kristal, Andrea Niles

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Billionaire Romance Box Set: Disciplined by Billionaire (Alpha Male Dominance, Billionaire Romance, New Adult Short Stories), by Madie Kristal, Loni Kristal, Andrea Niles

Billionaire Romance Box Set: Disciplined by Billionaire (Alpha Male Dominance, Billionaire Romance, New Adult Short Stories), by Madie Kristal, Loni Kristal, Andrea Niles

Billionaire Romance Box Set: Disciplined by Billionaire (Alpha Male Dominance, Billionaire Romance, New Adult Short Stories), by Madie Kristal, Loni Kristal, Andrea Niles

Best Ebook Billionaire Romance Box Set: Disciplined by Billionaire (Alpha Male Dominance, Billionaire Romance, New Adult Short Stories), by Madie Kristal, Loni Kristal, Andrea Niles

Billionaire Romance Box Set

BOOK #1: Disciplined by Billionaire

Claire Richards thinks she has had it all with her ex-boyfriend, Jay. She dreams about a new relationship but because of her busy schedule, she can only feed this desire by reading romance and erotic novels and lots of imagination until… self-made billionaire Daniel Paterson shows up. Wanting to buy a dress for his sister, he stops at Burberry store, in Beverly Hills. Of course he notices Claire`s voluptuous figure and full lips, but he treats her with a foreplay first. He invites her out to dinner and although she hesitates at first, Claire says yes. Daniel doesn’t need more. He books an entire floor of a luxurious restaurant in the city just for the both of them. Flowers, soft music, candles…. Claire`s heart melts when she sees it all. The evening continues with another invitation from Daniel: an invitation to have something nice to drink in his Ritz hotel room. Claire accepts but little does she know that in that evening she will come to experience her most hidden and burning erotic fantasy.

BOOK #2: BDSM: Disciplined by My Dad's Best Friend

House sitting for her father while he was gone for a few days, Shelly threw a loud party that disturbed her neighbor. Dan happened to be her Dad's best friend, and she knew he'd tell her Dad. Throwing herself at his mercy, she begs him to keep it a secret. Will Dan keep it a secret?

BOOK #3: Billionaire Romance: Seduced by my Billionaire Stepbrother

Lillian Whittick is a woman of beauty and means, the kind of high society that everyone wants to be. But when her fiancé abandons her, taking with him a great deal of her money and leaving a house she can no longer afford to pay for, she goes to her stepbrother for help. Arthur is happy to aid her, with one caveat. He wants to take her to dinner. She soon discovers that he wants far more than that WARNING: This ebook contains mature themes and language. Intended for 18+ readers only.

Billionaire Romance Box Set: Disciplined by Billionaire (Alpha Male Dominance, Billionaire Romance, New Adult Short Stories), by Madie Kristal, Loni Kristal, Andrea Niles

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1378347 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-10-22
  • Released on: 2015-10-22
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Billionaire Romance Box Set: Disciplined by Billionaire (Alpha Male Dominance, Billionaire Romance, New Adult Short Stories), by Madie Kristal, Loni Kristal, Andrea Niles

Billionaire Romance Box Set: Disciplined by Billionaire (Alpha Male Dominance, Billionaire Romance, New Adult Short Stories), by Madie Kristal, Loni Kristal, Andrea Niles

Where to Download Billionaire Romance Box Set: Disciplined by Billionaire (Alpha Male Dominance, Billionaire Romance, New Adult Short Stories), by Madie Kristal, Loni Kristal, Andrea Niles

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Excellent romance collection. By Jessica Collins It was a modern love story with a classic romance feel to it. The only problem I have is that it's too short. I can't wait to read the next part of their journey in the second book. A huge thank you to the author for writing this book. It's a great read.

See all 1 customer reviews... Billionaire Romance Box Set: Disciplined by Billionaire (Alpha Male Dominance, Billionaire Romance, New Adult Short Stories), by Madie Kristal, Loni Kristal, Andrea Niles

Billionaire Romance Box Set: Disciplined by Billionaire (Alpha Male Dominance, Billionaire Romance, New Adult Short Stories), by Madie Kristal, Loni Kristal, Andrea Niles PDF
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Billionaire Romance Box Set: Disciplined by Billionaire (Alpha Male Dominance, Billionaire Romance, New Adult Short Stories), by Madie Kristal, Loni Kristal, Andrea Niles ePub
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Billionaire Romance Box Set: Disciplined by Billionaire (Alpha Male Dominance, Billionaire Romance, New Adult Short Stories), by Madie Kristal, Loni Kristal, Andrea Niles Kindle

Billionaire Romance Box Set: Disciplined by Billionaire (Alpha Male Dominance, Billionaire Romance, New Adult Short Stories), by Madie Kristal, Loni Kristal, Andrea Niles

Billionaire Romance Box Set: Disciplined by Billionaire (Alpha Male Dominance, Billionaire Romance, New Adult Short Stories), by Madie Kristal, Loni Kristal, Andrea Niles

Billionaire Romance Box Set: Disciplined by Billionaire (Alpha Male Dominance, Billionaire Romance, New Adult Short Stories), by Madie Kristal, Loni Kristal, Andrea Niles
Billionaire Romance Box Set: Disciplined by Billionaire (Alpha Male Dominance, Billionaire Romance, New Adult Short Stories), by Madie Kristal, Loni Kristal, Andrea Niles

Alone With The Babysitter: Forbidden Man of the House Innocent Babysitter Brat Taboo Collection,

Alone With The Babysitter: Forbidden Man of the House Innocent Babysitter Brat Taboo Collection, by Mojo Media

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Alone With The Babysitter: Forbidden Man of the House Innocent Babysitter Brat Taboo Collection, by Mojo Media

Alone With The Babysitter: Forbidden Man of the House Innocent Babysitter Brat Taboo Collection, by Mojo Media

Alone With The Babysitter: Forbidden Man of the House Innocent Babysitter Brat Taboo Collection, by Mojo Media

Download Ebook Online Alone With The Babysitter: Forbidden Man of the House Innocent Babysitter Brat Taboo Collection, by Mojo Media

Bad things can happen when you are all alone with the babysitter!

Nine dirty books about older men alone with the younger, innocent babysitter! Taboo tales of romance, seduction, massage, spanking, first time, BWWM, pounding, stuffing and more! Nine unique stories about nine different babysitters. Nothing is off limits! Stories range from a sensual message leading into so much more to the alpha male taking the sitter hard and without protection! Rough play, punishments, whatever your fetish is you will find it in this collection! Forbidden stories about taboo subjects! EXPLICIT This collection of short stories contains graphic sex between older men and college aged sitters. Click "Look Inside" to read an excerpt then scroll up and click "BUY NOW"! Nine hot and wet books plus a bonus story!

Alone With The Babysitter: Forbidden Man of the House Innocent Babysitter Brat Taboo Collection, by Mojo Media

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #296602 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-10-28
  • Released on: 2015-10-28
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Alone With The Babysitter: Forbidden Man of the House Innocent Babysitter Brat Taboo Collection, by Mojo Media

Alone With The Babysitter: Forbidden Man of the House Innocent Babysitter Brat Taboo Collection, by Mojo Media

Where to Download Alone With The Babysitter: Forbidden Man of the House Innocent Babysitter Brat Taboo Collection, by Mojo Media

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Good book By Ethel L. Pence Great value here, big assortment of babysitter stories. The characters are fleshed out and the stories are believable. Very hot and sexy!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Awesome book By Sandra I loved this book. It has nine different stories all with an older man with babysitter theme. They are all well written but my favorite is "Babysitter Obsessions". I love the characters in that story. Any chance of a sequel? Thank to author.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Mouth watering good By Jamie Daniels There are so many stories in this book and I loved every single one of them! I pictured myself as these innocent babysitters and imagined myself getting ravished. It really turned me on. I will read again and again.

See all 4 customer reviews... Alone With The Babysitter: Forbidden Man of the House Innocent Babysitter Brat Taboo Collection, by Mojo Media

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Alone With The Babysitter: Forbidden Man of the House Innocent Babysitter Brat Taboo Collection, by Mojo Media

Alone With The Babysitter: Forbidden Man of the House Innocent Babysitter Brat Taboo Collection, by Mojo Media

Alone With The Babysitter: Forbidden Man of the House Innocent Babysitter Brat Taboo Collection, by Mojo Media
Alone With The Babysitter: Forbidden Man of the House Innocent Babysitter Brat Taboo Collection, by Mojo Media

Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010

Loving Them Both: A Novella (Based on a True Story), by Ethan Lambert

Loving Them Both: A Novella (Based on a True Story), by Ethan Lambert

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Loving Them Both: A Novella (Based on a True Story), by Ethan Lambert

Loving Them Both: A Novella (Based on a True Story), by Ethan Lambert

Loving Them Both: A Novella (Based on a True Story), by Ethan Lambert

Read and Download Loving Them Both: A Novella (Based on a True Story), by Ethan Lambert

Greg and Ethan have been friends since they were eight years old, but their relationship grows complicated when Alice comes into the picture. Dating Greg, but attracted to Ethan, Alice is the first person Ethan ever confides his most well kept secret in: that he has a history of experimenting with other guys. The revelation awakens something in Alice, something she never knew she yearned for before... especially after her boyfriend admits that he's always been curious about other men as well. Loving Them Both chronicles the development of their relationship over five years, navigating the complexities that arise as their youthful experimentation grows into something deeper among all three of them. Based on a true story.

Loving Them Both: A Novella (Based on a True Story), by Ethan Lambert

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1758504 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-10-11
  • Released on: 2015-10-11
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Loving Them Both: A Novella (Based on a True Story), by Ethan Lambert

Loving Them Both: A Novella (Based on a True Story), by Ethan Lambert

Where to Download Loving Them Both: A Novella (Based on a True Story), by Ethan Lambert

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Why can't we go on as three? Ethan, Greg and Alice. By dave94015 First, the story line: Ethan tells how he and Greg first explored sex together. Ethan meets Alice and is interested in her but Alice eventually becomes engaged and weds Greg. During this time Alice watches Ethan and Greg have sex and is turned on by the sight. Ethan, Greg and Alice have amazing intimate threesomes.

See all 1 customer reviews... Loving Them Both: A Novella (Based on a True Story), by Ethan Lambert

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Loving Them Both: A Novella (Based on a True Story), by Ethan Lambert

Loving Them Both: A Novella (Based on a True Story), by Ethan Lambert

Loving Them Both: A Novella (Based on a True Story), by Ethan Lambert
Loving Them Both: A Novella (Based on a True Story), by Ethan Lambert

Doctor Who: The Good Soldier, by Various

Doctor Who: The Good Soldier, by Various

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Doctor Who: The Good Soldier, by Various

Doctor Who: The Good Soldier, by Various

Doctor Who: The Good Soldier, by Various

Read Online and Download Doctor Who: The Good Soldier, by Various

  • Introducing a brand-new collection of classic comic strips collecting the adventures of the Seventh Doctor and Ace, from the pages of Doctor Who Magazine.
  • This volume collects comic strips featuring the much-loved Seventh Doctor as played on TV by Sylvester McCoy, alongside his companion Ace (Sophie Aldred) — plus guest appearances from the Brigadier!
  • Includes a wealth of exclusive, brand-new material revealing how the strips were created, featuring contributions and commentary from the writers and artists.

Doctor Who: The Good Soldier, by Various

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #764532 in Books
  • Brand: Not Available (NA)
  • Published on: 2015-06-30
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 11.50" h x .50" w x 8.20" l, 1.24 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 176 pages
Doctor Who: The Good Soldier, by Various

About the Author PAUL CORNELL is a British writer best known for his work in television drama, most notably for "Doctor Who. "Three of his "Doctor Who" episodes have been nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form. He has written several "Doctor Who "spin-off novels, and created the character Beatrice Summerfield. He has also written for Marvel Comics and DC Comics, and published original novels including "London Falling".John Freeman is an award-winning writer and book critic. The former editor of "Granta" and onetime president of the National Book Critics Circle, he has written about books for more than two hundred publications worldwide, including "The New York Times Book Review", the "Los Angeles Times", the "San Francisco Chronicle", "The Wall Street Journal", "The Guardian", "La Repubblica", and "La Vanguardia". His first book, "The Tyranny of E-mail", was published in 2009. His poetry has been published in "The New Yorker", "ZYZZYVA", and "The Paris Review". He lives in New York City.Arttist Arthur Ranson is best known for his work on Britain's 2000AD and Judge Dredd, and he contributed to DC's graphic novel, Batman: Dark Legends.Andrew Cartmel lives in Croydon in the UK. He has worked on many projects including "Dark Knight" and "Doctor Who", and has had five books published. Cartmel had previously contributed towards Black Flame with "Judge Dredd #7: Swine Fever".Dan Abnett is the author of the Horus Heresy novels The Unremembered Empire, Know No Fear and Prospero Burns, the last two of which were both New York Times bestsellers. He has written almost fifty novels, including the acclaimed Gaunt s Ghosts series, and the Eisenhorn and Ravenor trilogies. He scripted Macragge s Honour, the first Horus Heresy graphic novel, as well as numerous audio dramas and short stories set in the Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer universes. He lives and works in Maidstone, Kent.GARY RUSSELL traveled to film production sites in New Zealand to conduct hundreds of exclusive interviews with the principal artists whose work is detailed in this book. The author of The Lord of the Rings: The Art of The Fellowship of the Ring and The Art of the Return of the King, Russell has worked widely in media as a magazine editor, novelist, columnist, and audio drama producer.The Marvel and Other Short Stories is a collected anthology of six short stories written by the winners of the Austin Macauley World Book Day short story competition.The Marvel and Other Short Stories is a collected anthology of six short stories written by the winners of the Austin Macauley World Book Day short story competition.Arttist Arthur Ranson is best known for his work on Britain's 2000AD and Judge Dredd, and he contributed to DC's graphic novel, Batman: Dark Legends.No biographical note available

Doctor Who: The Good Soldier, by Various

Where to Download Doctor Who: The Good Soldier, by Various

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Striking Stuff! By Locutus of Borg Doctor Who Magazine's comic strip adventures of the Doctor have always been striking, and for a time DWM was the only purveyor of new Doctor Who adventures. This collection, "The Good Soldier," is an excellent example of where Doctor Who was headed after its untimely cancellation on television.The previous collection, "Nemesis of the Daleks," was slight, recommended primarily for the title story, but the "The Gold Soldier" is far more solid and powerful, putting up nine comic strips and two text stories. Of the comics, "Fellow Travelers" has moody and terrific art, very much representing the television version of Doctor Who as the Doctor and Ace face a pair of insubstantial possession-based hitcher aliens. Another strong story is "Mark of the Mangragora," in which an old foe from from the TV series makes returns in present day - this story was even strong enough to warrant its own graphic novel back in day. And best of all is "The Good Soldier," another Cartmel tale featuring the Cybermen in a way the television screen could never have done at the time. The other tales here are a mixed bag, each with varying writers and artists, something similar in nature to the way the show was produced at the time.Doctor Who Magazine has been spoiling readers with comic collections for a while now, and this one makes a reader hunger for more. Hopefully we won't have long to wait for the next batch of 7th Doctor strips!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Far and away the worst set of stories of ALL these (usually great) Panini ... By Andrew S. Peters Far and away the worst set of stories of ALL these (usually great) Panini compilation books. These are just NOT good. add insult to injury..this is the thinnest and shortest volume of these to date...for the person who MUST have every one (like myself) only. Go watch Happiness will be FAR more enjoyable.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A Mixed Bag of Stories By Brax The Good soldier is not the best volume in the DWM collections but compared to the two previous 7th Doctor releases it holds up quite well. Stories "Fellow Travelers", "Teenage Kicks", and "Mark of the Mandragora" years later remain fantastic, a joy to read, but as they were released in full color graphic novel format back in 90ies (mark of the mandragora) this offering feels somewhat a let down. Plus, the remaining stories in the book are more filler than substance, including the titles tale.(strange they did not go with Mandragora) Where this collection truly let me down, is it size. It is considerably smaller compared to its predecessors. Which sadly seems to be Panini's standard as of the last few releases. It is considerably smaller compared to its predecessors. Ridiculously the price doesn't seem to have adjusted for loss of content. Well played Panini, well played. However, If you're a fan of the Sylvester McCoy era Doctor Who and his fantastic companion Ace this volume is definitely for you. Personally I have been eagerly awaiting the point when Benny join's the two's story...just a bit longer I hope.

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Doctor Who: The Good Soldier, by Various

Doctor Who: The Good Soldier, by Various

Doctor Who: The Good Soldier, by Various
Doctor Who: The Good Soldier, by Various